Part 2

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Mike's POV

When everyone arrived we laid out the sleeping bags and pillows. "Wait is your mom okay with this?" Will asked looking at me nervously. I roll my eyes, "She will not care. She never comes down here and doesn't care what I do." I say bitterly. I quickly look around and notice the uneasy looks on my friend's faces. "But I'll go ask her and see what's for dinner!" I say rushing upstairs. I bumped into Johnathan and he dropped two bags. "Oh sorry," I say grabbing the bags. "Are these for El and Will?" I ask still wondering why he was so late. I smile as Nancy is next to him with smeared lipstick and a red lip mark on Johnathan's neck. "You have a little mark on your neck." Johnathan blushes and rushes to wipe the lipstick mark. I walk into the kitchen to see my mom cooking. "Hey everyone is here, is it okay if they all sleepover?" I ask leaning against the wall. "Yeah." My mom said not turning her head. "Can we get pizza? I'll just take the money from your purse." "Yep." I frown and open her purse to get money. "Oh and can we summon a demon and use my body as a vessel for the demon to talk to us?" I ask find a 20 dollar bill. "Yep." My mom said again. "Thanks." I say before storming down stairs. I set El and Will's stuff down and hold up the twenty. "We're getting pizza!" I announced to a less awkward group.

El popped in ET and turned off the lights. Will started it and we all ate our pizza. I was laying against the arm of the couch with El sitting against the back with her legs over mine. Will was on the armchair and Lucas and Max were laying on the ground with their heads near each other. I had seen the movie once but still enjoyed rewatching it. I shivered as I felt eyes on me. I turn to El and blush as she was staring at me. "El?" I whisper moving closer to hear her. Nothing. "Okay...." I saw looking back at the movie.

Eleven's POV

I stare at Mike. What was that with his mom. Does she ignore him? I turn back to the movie and frown. I heard a bit about his mom but not much. I watch the movie but my eyes wander to Mike. I feel jealous? I want him to talk to me and look at me. I grab his hand and he looks at me and smiles but doesn't say anything. I smile back and we watch the movie.

I heard shuffling and sat up. I looked around at my sleeping friends. I look at Mike's sleeping bag to find it empty. I close my eyes and enter the blank space. I see Mike sitting outside in some grass. I notice his house so I quickly leave the blank space and go outside the basement door. I see Mike sitting in the grass. "Mike?" I ask making him turn his head around. "Oh hey." Mike said patting the ground next to him. "What are you doing?" I ask staring at. "I'm sorry for being weird with about my mother." Mike says grabbing my hand. "It's fine I wish you just told me earlier." I say moving closer to him. "I'm sorry it just you have been through so much and Max's and Will's parents got divorced. Then my problems seem so small..." Mike trailed off looking back at the stars. "Mike no matter if someone's problems are worse it doesn't make yours worthless." I say kissing his cheek. Mike looks at me with tears streaming down his face. I kiss Mike and sit closer to him. Mike kisses back and rests his hand on my cheek. I grab his waist and pull him closer to me. His face heats up and I softly bite his bottom lip. Mike pulls away and holds his mouth blushing. "Where did you learn that?" He asked. "Tv." I say shyly. "Did you like it?" I ask noticing the blush on his face. Mike looked at me and nodded softly. "It was weird but...yes." Mike said touching his lips again. "Then let me try this." I kiss Mike and bite his lip. Mike gasps and I stick my tongue in his mouth. Mike stares at me and then closes his eyes. I grabbed his waist and held my arms there. Mike's hand slowly made its way to my hair and he softly played with it. I smiled and pulled away from the kiss for air. Mike stares at me. "Wow...I'm um...ah." Mike touches his lips again. I laugh softly. "Calm down Mike it's fine we're 16, well you're almost 16." I say holding his hand again. Mike opens his mouth but instead of words it's a yawn. "We should go back to sleep." Mike says moving his hand away from mine to rub his eyes. My hand instantly feels cold and empty. "No can we please stay out her for a little long," I start trying to make him stay. "Let me show you how strong I have gotten!" I say as he tries to lead me to the door. "El it's late and I'm tired." I stop in my tracks and he walks a bit before turning around. "El?" I use my powers to lift Mike up and back to me. I hold him in front of me with his eyes wide open. " aren't even bleeding!" Mike says trying to get use to floating. I smile and drop him quickly. He falls and lands on his back. "Ow..." he says softly. I lay next to him and set my head against his. "I just like being alone with you." I say kissing his cheek. "I do too but I also love hanging out with our friends and remember how rude we were last year?" He says laughing as he pokes my cheek. I laugh too but I miss the moments when it was just us.

Mike's POV

I help El up and walked back to the house holding her hand. El followed but seemed to want to resist. "Thank you for following I'm really tired!" I say resting my arm around her shoulder. That seemed to lift her spirt and as walked in pace with me. I opened the door for her and she giggled softly. I closed the door slowly and left when I heard the click. I lay into my sleeping bag next to the couch. El sits on the couch and frowns at me. I grab her hand and lay down. I see her smile before I close my eyes.

I hear giggling and I open my eyes. I look around to see Max and Eleven talking on the couch. I notice El is still holding my hand. I sit up but I don't pull my hand away. "Hey how long have you guys been up?" I ask smiling at them. "Not long. But you guys sleep for so long! We were starting to get annoyed." Max says as Will starts to move a bit. I smile and stand up, stretching my legs. I let go of El hand and walks to the stairs. "I'm going to get dressed, I'll be back." I say heading up the stairs. I hear the girls talk as I close the basement door. On my way up stairs I see my Dad watching Tv. Once I get to the second floor I stand still and think about last night. I feel my face heat up and I cover my face. I didn't know El was such a good kisser. "Oh~ what's up Mike?" I open my eyes and look at my sister, now blocking the hallway. "Nothing!" I say and try to get past her. "Nope tell me." She say stopping me. Though I'm taller she is tough from all the monster fighting. "Okay!" I say glaring at her slightly. "It's just that El kissed me last night and it was nice." I say trying to not go into detail. "Ooh! Mikey! Who lead the kiss?" She asks. I glare at her and then smile slightly. "Let's just say I feel the same way around El that Johnathan feels around you!" I say going to my room. "So she lead the ki-" I close my door, blocking out Nancy's voice. I let out a deep sigh and get some clothes on. I brush my hair and head back downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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