Part 3- the end

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Peppa pig and big chungus waited for the yoddleing lumberjack to yoddle(like that yoddling goat in hoodwinked) to start the fight. When he did, Peppa and big chungus ran away from eachother, then Peppa went on a hunt

She tried to listen to big chungus and she did, Peppa could hear big chungus going chunga chunga chunga chunga chunga chunga chunga chunga chunga oooo chunga oooo chunga oooo chunga oooo, and then Peppa striked. She wacked him with the bacon chucks and went at him with the super pork powers and shot at him with the Bebe gun and then used her muddy puddle tsunami to whirl him. Big chungus just was mad about Peppa using the muddy puddle tsunami, so he pulled out the uno reverse card

Big chungus started chungusing. Chunga chunga chunga chunga chunga chunga chunga chunga chunga oooo chunga oooo chunga oooo chunga oooo. Then he put on the infinity gauntlet. And snapped his fingers. The fight went on for 25 seconds.

Peppa pig was remembered by her family as a cannibal. She was the only one that liked daddy pigs bacon. Little did she know that the bacon she ate was from daddy pigs butt cheeks.

Big chungus won the head of Peppa pig that day. It still hangs on top of his fortnite set up back in his chungus cave

The end

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