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Ok so I know i don't read the descriptions for the books I want to read , so here's the description that i made Beautiful creatures!


After years of knowing him,

Natalie and Harry are falling in love, but to them was just a friendship but now it's more.


Harry has to leave on a flight

To go to the UK X-Factor auditions

And Natalie is leaving to

go to a college in New York the next day.

Leaving her old life behind

But awhile after Harry is supposed to be on his flight

Natalie sees on the news that

The only plane going to the UK crashes into the ocean, while traveling over the sea.

What will happen?

What does she do?

The twists that await will

Capture you.


((A/n Harry and Natalie are Both 18 even though Harry was younger when he auditioned lol

so yea I know he wasent 18 ok.))


Natalie's Pov:}

"I will miss you so much Harry,

You have to make sure you call me every day once you get there."

Harry's mother said while hugging him then letting go and going into the bathroom to Dry her face from tears of joy.

Then it was my turn to say farewell since he wouldn't let me go to the airport with him he's taking a taxi to the Airport, because I drive like a "Mad Woman".

I jump up off the kitchen counter and Rush to his embrace and once I get in his arms I smell his cologne

And I laugh that

he still wears it.

He hates the smell

He wore it one day around me and I told him I liked it and now he wears it like every day.

I rest my head on his favorite Hoodie and he rests his in my neck we are wrapped in each other

"Harry"," I-I think i Love you."

I don't move i just wait for a reply.

I can't speak but my heart is taking over.

I Back up and we both pull away be looks to the ground almost instantly turning a deep shade of crimson.

I smile because he's still kinda looking at me since he's Taller than me.

So i grab his face and pull him down to my height and I lightly kiss him.

We've kissed before but it wasn't anything to serious then.

He smiles



Um that's not what I was expecting

He goes to Walk out the door with his suitcase but stops and In one quick motion pulls of his hoodie and hands it to me then just walks out closing the door behind him.

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