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Chapter 3


Luna has been living with us for two months. I'm still at a lost on how I feel about her. She's nice but I wonder about her.


They don't trust me. I'm glad they don't.

If I need to run then I can. Robin called us for a meeting and I head to the common room only to see Titans East and some girl. She wore a black leather suit and her hair was dark brown.

Its her eyes that caught my attention. They were just regular brown eyes but I knew those eyes. I knew who they belonged to. I silently curse at myself. "What are they doing here?" I ask raising my eyebrow taking my hood off.

Aqualad replies, "We need some help.." He is really well, he is hot. His black hair complimented his light violet eyes and his body itself. Wow. Just pure muscle. His smile is beautiful.

A smile appeared on my lips."Okay.. I'm Luna by the way" I say. He smiles and nods. "I know.." I smile even more seeing him blush a little. "And you're Aqualad. I've heard of you. Cuter in person though." I grin sitting on the couch next to Cyborg.

Cyborg chuckles as Aqualad blushes.

I lean back listening to Robin's boring strategy on how to take down the Hive. Okay so I wouldn't listen to him on a good day but this time Aqualad was my reason. I mean why is he still single? I roll my eyes at my thoughts and focus on the plan.

Raven, the girl who's alias is Violet and I have to locate Jinx. Apparently, the Hive had something big and dangerous planned.

It was so elaborate Robin wasn't sure.

We headed out in the T ships. We arrived in some small town.

I jumped out and looked around. It was quiet. I shut off the power in the T ship. Raven and Violet looked at me like I'd lost my mind. I motioned for them to follow me. I created a disc using my shadow manipulation and riding it up high off the ground.

I saw a camp. It was surrounded with technology. They could have located our ships. I rode the disc back down. "There's too much technology. They'll figure us out." I took my communicator and took out my gps. I looked at Raven pratically feeling her glare under her hood. I sighed. "Best if they don't know our location."

I took some plyers from my pocket and broke the green wire and red wire in my communicator. I held my breath and sighed.

"Please work.." I touched the green with the red wire and tapped into Cyborg's systems. "Cyborg? Can you hear me?" There was a pause.

"Yeah I hear you but how did you...?" His voice trailed off in curiousity. "I'm a technological genius. " I reply simply. "Anyways big problem. They can figure us out. There's so many technological systems. Turn off the T ships and take the gps out of you're communicator. Tell the others. Luna out."

I disconnected the wires. Violet spoke up for the first time. "Who are you?" I blinked taken back. "I'm Luna." Violet raised her eyebrow.

"That's not it." I've never been so thankful for a crash in my life.

It made the conversation cease and caused us all to run.


What did Violet mean when she meant that's not it? Who really is this Luna girl?

Im curious but then my heart filled with fear hearing the crash.

It grew dark. " Garfield.." I whisper running faster.

Jinx was laying on the ground.

Before anyone could think Luna spoke, "Its a trap.."

Darkest side ((sequel for mismatched pair))Where stories live. Discover now