Acccident Prone

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Hogwarts Teacher AU
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the best magic school in all of Europe. It is that very school where Lexa Trigedakru and Clarke Griffin worked. Lexa was the Head of Slytherin House and the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Clarke was the Matron who also taught healing magic. Clarke had only been working at Hogwarts for a year. Lexa had been teaching there for six years.

Lexa was teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts to her second year students. They were learning how to duel and learning a new spell called Expelliarmus. "Hannah, you're up" Professor Trigedakru called. A young Ravenclaw with brown hair and brown eyes climbed up on the duelling platform. She stood opposite her teacher and withdrew her wand. "Move your wand like so" Lexa instructed, demonstrating with her own wand. "And say Expelliarmus".

The spell disarms a person's opponent so Lexa assumed she wouldn't need to use a defensive spell. "Expelliarmus!" Hannah exclaimed as she raised her wand. Instead of throwing Lexa's wand out of her hand, a large white burst of light shot out of her wand, hit Lexa in the chest and threw her backwards and off the platform. There was a loud sickening crunch as she landed and she let out a quiet groan of pain.

"The lesson is over for today, please return to your dormitories" Lexa told the class as she got up off the floor. She waited for her students to file out of the room before lifting her robe's arm checking her arm. It had a big purple bruise and looked swollen. Probably broken. She put her wand away and headed for the hospital wing, two floors down. When she got there she laid eyes on a beautiful blonde woman with bright blue eyes.

It was clear the blonde woman was the Matron, but she had never seen this woman before. Lexa stood at the entrance silently appreciating the woman's beauty until the matron noticed her. The matron walked over to Lexa and offered her hand to the brunette professor. "Hey, I'm Matron Clarke Griffin, what can I do for you today?" Clarke asked. Lexa shook her hand with her un-injured hand and gave a small embarrassed smile.

"One of my students hit me with the Expelliarmus charm and knocked me off the platform. I think my arm is broken" Lexa answered. Clarke put her hand on Lexa's back, led her over to an empty bed and sat her down on it.

"Let's see" she requested and gently lifted Lexa's arm to examine it. "Definitely broken" Clarke confirmed. She cradled Lexa's arm in her lap, as she sat on the side of Lexa's bed. "Brackium Emendo" Clarke said clearly, casting the spell to heal bones. Within seconds the spell repaired Lexa's broken arm and the swelling went down. "It's still going to be sore for a bit so don't bump it" Clarke warned as she got up to get a sling.

Clarke returned to her patient and tied the sling around Lexa's arm and over her shoulder. "I should make sure you're fine to return to work" Clarke told her as she examined Lexa further and checked for a concussion. "You're fine". Clarke finished her examination and put her wand away.

"Thank you for your help" Lexa thanked Clarke.

"No problem" Clarke replied smiling. "Goodbye Professor"

"Goodbye Matron, have a good day" Lexa said before getting up and leaving the hospital wing.

The next time Lexa ends up in the hospital wing it is after a student cast a curse that accidentally hit her called Anteoculatia. She stood by the entrance door of the hospital wing and cleared her throat, getting Clarke's attention. When Clarke turned to look at the woman, amusement filled her eyes and she tried to hide a smile. The hex had caused Lexa to grow antlers.

Clarke led Lexa over to a bed and sat her down. Then she went to her supplies cupboard and got out ingredients for a potion. She mixed them together and gave the smoking potion to Lexa, who drank it with a disgusted expression on her face. Clarke made Lexa sit back against the pillows on the bed and told her, "You'll have to stay here until they go, you might poke someone's eye out".

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