Freshman Year.

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"Avery!" Carlos picked me up from behind. Its been a whole year since ive seen him. He's grown so much since 7th grade.. Holy- "Carlos!" i giggled. he put me down and i hugged him tight. I shoved my face into his chest, hiding the redness that had grown in my face. "Aw, don't hide it, its cute" he wrapped his arms around me. "Ayo Carlos" a familiar voice yelled behind me. Its was Alex. "Ayo wus goody" Carlos did their handshake thingy. "woah avery.. i- uh-" Alex rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey Alexx" I smiled, an hugged him as well. "woah don't get all touchy feely on Alex now" Carlos pulled me away. He's so cute when hes over-protective. Alex's face went into a dark red. i laughed. "Aw cmon Carlos let me have funnn" i pouted. "You're annoying" Carlos laughed, putting me down. "Where's Destiny?" i asked. "Here babes!" des came over and we hugged. "mmm i missed you" I said "Me too" she said while hugging me still. des pulled away and kissed carlos. my jaw dropped "Wtf happened while i was gone" i laughed nervously. "Well carlos and i thought that since we had such a cOnNeCtiOn that we should get together." she smiled. he snaked his arms around her waist. dont get me wrong i got really jealous. not only was carlos my best friend, he was also my childhood crush. The bell rang. "Ya'll wanna skip?" I said. "Obviously" Alex, Carlos and Des all said. "where to?" alex said, putting his arm around my shoulders. 


um this is already going badly, um i need some more people in the storyy so comment some people yk (um preferably tiktok boys if yk what i mean ;) )

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