Chapter 22

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It's been a full year since you Newt, Brenda, Thomas, and the kids moved into the beach house. You had everything packed for the journey back. 
Teresa was a little over a year old now. She was crawling and learning to stand. 

You and your family were waiting inside with your things and waited for Gally to bring the carriage.
"Mummy, why isn't he here yet?" Lizzy complained. "Probably running late, honey." you say.
"Then he'd better run faster." Lizzy said, crossing her arms. You giggled at her little comeback. Yep, she was definitely your child.

Just then, Gally starting pulling up with the carriage. "Uncle Gally!" the kids say in unison. "What's up, green beans?" Gally says, stopping the carriage. The kids tackled him with hugs. "You've gotten bigger since the last time I saw you." Gally said, ruffling the kids' hair (not all at once) and messing it up. 

"Load up!" Gally said. You, Newt, Brenda, and Thomas starting loading the carriage with belongings.
It took fifteen minutes before everything was loaded. Luckily, the carriage was upgraded as well to fit everything they needed. "Alright. Everything's on. Let's get going." Gally says as everyone takes their seat on the carriage. Gally whips the reins and the carriage starts to move. 

You ride on for thirty minutes. As you reach closer and closer to the new-built town, you see how much it's improved and you looked at it in awe. 

There were log cabins spread across. Some building were a little bigger. There were lettering on the top centers of them so you could tell what they were.
There was a cafe, a library, a senior center, a youth center, two schools, a day care center, a hospital, and much more you couldn't take your eyes off of.
"You did all of this in the matter of one year?" you ask, amazed. 
"Yep. We wanted to get this done so we can all live a peaceful, normal, rest of our lives." Gally replied. "I'm very amazed," you smile at him.
"Momma, it's so pretty." Lizzy said. 

As your eyes stayed glued to the newly built village, your eyes caught sight of Minho, Frypan, Sonya, Harriet, Aris, Jorge, and Vince. They all waved at you. You waved back. 

Once the carriage came to a stop, you take Chuck into your arms and exit the carriage. "Uncle Justin!" Chuck exclaimed, pointing a finger. You look in the direction where Chuck pointed. Justin was jogging over to you and your kids. You smile and wave to him with your free hand. Then all at once, you, Chuck (in your arms), Lizzy, and little Justin go ever to him and tackle him with hugs. "You kiddos have grown quite a bit," Justin said with a chuckle. "Why does everybody keep saying that?" Lizzy asked with her sassy attitude. "We look and feel exactly the same." she was looking at herself from the toes up. "Yep. Normal."
You all chuckled at her. "Somebody has her mother's sense of humor." Justin senior laughed. Newt walked over the join the commotion. "Hey, Justin." Newt said, giving Justin a quick bro hug. "Doin' alright?" he asked. "Obviously." Justin replied. "Now, if you follow me, I'll show you your new home."

You started grabbing luggage and followed Justin to your new home.  It was a pretty decent size. Two floored, made of bricks and wood. You were very amazed. "Wow." you and your family exclaimed. "Yep. Helped constructed it myself."
"-You did not." came Gally's voice. You turned around to see Gally parking the carriage. "I did. You just gathered the stone and wood." 
"Potato Potahto." Justin said sarcastically. You rolled your eyes at the two of them. "Will you two stop already? It doesn't matter who did what, It only matters that they did it."
"Touche." Justin agreed. You look to Gally and could practically hear him roll his eyes at Justin. 
"Let's just get inside and at least get everything in there. There's a lot to see." Gally said unloading things from the carriage. 

Justin tossed you a key. You put Chuck down and hold his hand. Newt grabs your other one and Lizzy grabs his. "Ready?" you asked, exchanging looks with your family. They all nod. You put the key in the lock, turn it, and open the door. It was beautiful.

Some furniture was already there. The kids stampeded inside like a herd of buffalo. "Wow." you and Newt say in unison. The both of you walk in together. Hand in hand. 

You examine the many things in your home. On the first floor was a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. Upstairs were 4 bedrooms and a master bathroom. It was beautiful. 
"We love it." you tell Gally. "Great. Now you guys go out and see the village. We'll bring everything inside." Gally tells you. 

"Kids!" you call. Your three monkeys appeared like the speed of light. "Wanna go explore?" you ask, wiggling your eyebrows. "Yeah!" the kids exclaimed in unison. You smile and the 5 of you exit your amazing new house and explore more of the village.

You greeted everybody as you walked by them. Minho was in charge of one of the schools. Frypan was in charge of the restaurants. Sonya and Harriet ran the youth and senior centers. And you were gonna be in charge of the hostpial, library and work in one of the schools. 

You took your kids to go explore the youth center (basically dropped them off to spend some quality time with Newt ;)) and went to the cafe. You were amazed at how accurate it looked. You and Newt ordered some drinks and pastries and sat down. "Everything fell into place so perfectly," you dreamily sigh as you took a sip of your f/d(favorite drink)
"Yeah, it has. And it all started with you," Newt said, giving you a kiss on the cheek. 
"This is going to be a very peaceful rest of our lives." you smile. "Yes. Yes it is." Newt agrees.

The two of you stare off out of a window, looking at the new villlage that was going to have a very peaceful future ahead. 



I know it's been FOREVER since I updated this story. I was having  a HUGE writers block due to all the other stories I've been writing, it's been driving me INSANE!!!!

I know it's a short chapter, but I promise it will be longer next time.

~Mer-bear :3 <3

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