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I could be at the beach, listening to birds chirp at relaxed and stressed frequencies because they need food like any starving artist such as myself..

Watch as kids play in the sand, as it's going through their hands & feet so lucid, smiles are transparent because they don't have any responsibilities..

I could let my skin become a trend because it basks in the glow of the people who so desperately want our features but don't want to be featured as any of the derogatory terms they call us and think of us behind our backs, we have to code switch and work just as hard just to get them off our backs,
backs that if examined closely will present lacerations that have came from our troubled, relatable youth, but go back as far as the middle passage, but because everyone that's not a (insert racial slur here), knows us before we do when we introduce ourselves,
we are still searching to find out if we got picked up in the beginning or was it the end,
if the right amount of modern day abuse is applied,

But i dont want to be here.

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