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Darkpenguin always kept to himself. He kinda avoided people knowing stuff about how m because he didn't really like all the attention, but when the attention did go towards him he didn't mind it. He always was quite fond of penguins but one day he realized he became more interested in penguins but, not in the way you think..... But thats for later ;)

DarkPenguin liked caring for animals so he figured why not be a zoologists seems easy enough. Once he got the education he needed for the job he went out to look for a zoo. Every zoo he applied for though he ended up turning them down instead of them turning him down. He wanted a specific type of zoo. One with penguins. After some weeks he found the perfect zoo. Then he got the job. He cried out yes as soon as he found out. "This is gonna be awesome" he said.
Skip to the first day at work because :)
"So all youbhave to do besides cleaning the rooms is feed the penguins" the manager said
"Oh cool" dark said. "Even though you've already did everything else and are about to head out do you mind feeding the penguins and closing up the zoo?" The manager asked. "For sure no problem I got it" dark said and with that the manager left home. After closing and locking everything dark went to feed the penguins. He opened the door and fed the penguins their usual but the penguins didn't eat. They just...stared at him. Dark always liked penguins and there weren't any cameras so he went up to a penguin and tried touching it. He reached his hand out while closing his eyes and saying "don't worry I won't hurt you I just want to touch you." *that sounds so wrong* As he touched the penguin he heard a woman's voice that said "you can touch me all you want." Dark jumped to this response and opened his eyes to see a woman dressed in a black one piece. "Where are the penguins- who are you-" dark questioned only to be shushed by her finger. "I though you wanted to touch me" she said. He just sighed and said "how can I refuse?" And with that she said "come here papi"
You can assume what happened.

the penguins want you dark- oh yEssSsSWhere stories live. Discover now