XIV - Perverse Instantiation I

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My mind raced as I paced back and forth in front of the rover. I had no other way to release my nervous energy other than walking around when I so desperately wanted to fight someone. Specifically Alie, but it was hard to battle something that didn't really exist in the concrete world. That was what made everything about this so infuriating.

"The Rover's almost charged," Bellamy announced, pulling me away from my raging thoughts. "We need to pack up. We'll be home soon."

"Then what?" Clarke countered. "Run away?"

Bellamy sighed. "We're not running away, Clarke. We need to regroup with the others and find another way to defeat-"

"There is no other way!" She exclaimed. "We need to find a nightblood. We need to unlock the Flame. It's the only way to stop Alie."

"What do you expect us to do, Clarke?" Jasper groaned from his perch on the hood of the car. "Walk into random villages asking for their nightbloods?"

Clarke nodded. "If that's what it takes."

I stopped in my tracks. More than anything I wanted to beat this bitch, but I wasn't going to storm more innocent Grounder villages to win. I wasn't going to resort to needless violence. "No, Clarke. If Alie can find us on Luna's rig, then she can find us anywhere. I won't help you destroy another innocent Grounder village."

Clarke's face fell and she stepped closer to me. "If we don't find a nightblood, there won't be any Grounder villages. Or a home for us to go back to."

"That's all the more reason we go there and make sure our friends are okay," Bellamy said.

Clarke looked at each of us in turn, searching for some support but found none. We all wanted to go home. I wanted to make sure my friends were okay. She pursed her lips and walked away. I sighed. She could sulk all she wanted. Nothing was going to change. But I felt like I had to go after her.

Jasper said, "She'll be fine. Just let her cool off."

I paused, and gave him a half nod, not completely sincere. Maybe I should let her cool off, but I didn't like the feeling of letting her wander off alone in the woods. Bellamy seemed to be thinking the same thing. Without a word, he handed me a handgun and nodded towards the trees. I flashed him a grateful smile and gently touched him on the shoulder before heading off. Like the first time I'd touched him knowing I loved him, my fingers tingled.

Once we finished this battle, and we would finish this battle, I was going to fix things with him. First, I had to find Clarke. And man, she moved fast. It was getting a little difficult to pick up her trail until I heard voices. Hers, and someone else's. Unsettling.

As the two came into view, I ducked behind a tree. Clarke was arguing with a tall man dressed in furs. I recognized him as Roan, the man who'd kidnapped Clarke and stabbed me. Fury boiled in my chest, but I pushed it away.

"Please, just stop!" Clarke yelled at Roan, who held the box that housed the Flame in his hands.

Roan turned around and snarled, "Cause of you, Ontari never ascended! So, no, I won't stop. Not until the Ice Nation has its Commander."

I stepped out of my hiding spot, cocking my gun and aiming it at him. I tried to keep my cool, but my hands shook. Part of me wanted to kill him. I knew that wasn't the right move. "You were saying? Hands where I can see them."

Slowly, Roan raised his hands, bow in one. I turned to Clarke. "You okay?"

She nodded. "Yeah."

"Great. Then let's go."

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