-Chapter 1-

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Hey guys, Virgil here! Plz tell me if there's any mistakes! -Virgil out-


Virgil's P.O.V.
I yawned. Holy Shit? Is it 7am already? I barely got an hour of sleep...
Fuck it. I got up and started getting ready for work, which is a Starbucks barista. My full name is Virgil Eve.

I look it the mirror and fix my dyed purple hair with black tips.  Today I wore my baggy black hoodie and my favorite pair of black jeans with a pair of all black lace-ups. I went to my bathroom and applied my eyeshadow and white foundation. I started walking to work, listening to 'Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time' by Panic! At The Disco.

I lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt, but I make these high heels work-

I bumped into someone "Oh my gosh, sorry!" I apologize immediately. A very cute guy with short strawberry blonde hair, light blue eyes, wearing a light grey t-shirt and light blue jeans stands at around 5,2' before me. "Oh! It's fine! " The cute man says. "I'm the one that should be sorry, I wasn't looking." The sweet man says "No, I wasn't paying attention either... " I trail off.

Patton's P.O.V.
I smiled at the dude with dark eyes before me. "I'm the one that should be sorry, I wasn't looking." I say. The hot emo shakes his head "Well I have got to get to work-" I nod and let him past me. I continue walking to the pet store, where I work with the adorable doggos! I giggle and skip the rest of the way.

When I get there I put on my uniform and start bathing my favorite doggo, (don't tell the other doggos-), named Ramona. I soon get done and take her out for a walk.

There's a public theater set up thing at the park so I decide to go see if they're doing anything like a play or something. Ramona and I go to the park and see their practicing a play, we walk over and all the actors stop to pet Ramona.

I see a um... R-Really handsome one with dark brown hair and hazel eyes asking where I got her. "She's so beautiful, where'd you get her? " He asks. "I work at the pet store and I'm just taking Ramona here for a nice little walk! " I say happily.

Roman's P.O.V.
"I work at the pet store and I'm just taking Ramona here for a nice little walk! " He says cutely. I smile. "I'm Roman, what's your name?" I ask. "Patton..." The cute pet store worker says. "A truly gorgeous name for a truly gorgeous man~" I purr seductively. His face turns pink and I smile with my perfect, pure white, teeth.


Author Virgil here! Sorry if this chapter was short but I'll try to update as soon as I can! Please tell me what you think and if I missed any mistakes.
-Virge out

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