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Jack and I walk around the place trying to find Mia. We continuously shout her name hoping she would come back.

"Mia please come back! We didn't mean to hurt your feelings!" I shouted.

I let out a big sigh. "What's the point of this anyways!" Jack lifts up my face up. "Don't give up now!"

I start to cry. A tear runs down my face and Jack wipes it off with his thumb.

"You never know. Things happen for a reason. If you give up now, all this work will be for nothing! You cant stop. Not now." He graciously says.

I whispered back "You're right but what about Mia? She was supportive and helped with everything."

He hugs you tightly. "We'll find her." The hug lasts for a couple minutes. "Let's do this for real this time!"

I giggled "let's go!"

We run back inside of the Karaoke place. Jack and I stand in the middle of the dance floor while music plays in the background.

I assume I just dance so I start dancing. Nothing has happened yet. "Ugh why hasn't anything happened? I feel like something isn't right."

Jack looks up. "Maybe someone?" We both knew who it was. "I'll text her." I insisted.

I text Mia saying:

                 Hey! Its me. I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't know that would hurt you. I'm texting you because Jack and I need you! We dont think we can switch back without you. You were with us! We tried it and it didnt work. Please come!

Jack glances over at my phone. "Did you send it yet?" I said yes.

I put my phone down. "And if she doesn't answer?" He laughs. "We will have to scout her down then!"

Switching Bodies [Why Don't We]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang