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"Peyton?" Her mother tried to wake her up from her deep sleep.

"She wouldn't move." Her father sighed in frustration. "Is she dead?"

"No, she's not!"

"But she's not moving."

"She's breathing, okay?"


"Peyton... Peyton, wake up."

"W-what?" I held my forehead. Why do I feel so sick? My head hurts bad.

"Peyton, you've been asleep for a day." The curly-headed boy said to me with a soft smile.

"How do you know my name? And who are you?" I asked him. He was still smiling. And everything around was clean and all white. Am I dead or something?

"I'm Harry. Your boyfriend." He said with a serious look but with a slight smile.

"I don't have a boyfriend. Who are you and what do you want from me?"

"I am your boyfriend, Peyton. What's gotten into you?"

"What's gotten into me? You have the nerve to ask me that?" My blood was starting to boil. I swear to God, I don't know who this guy is.


"Should we just let her sleep?" Her mother whispered to Johnny, Peyton's older brother.

"I guess we should. Maybe she'd wake up tomorrow." And after that, they both exited Peyton's room and continued on their own.


"So, do you believe that I'm your boyfriend now?" Harry asked for the eleventh time. He's been showing me picture and videos that I don't even remember myself being in them.

I sighed before answering.

"Alright, fine. I believe you." I finally gave up.

"Great!" He cheered. "Oh, that reminds me..." He pulled out a white rectangle box from his pocket.

"What's that?" Then realization hit me. "Oh my gosh, you're not going to-"

"Propose? Oh heck no! I'm too young to be a groom." I laughed at his choice of words. I thought he was going to swear.

"Then what is it?" I asked, still letting out my laughs.

He smiled before opening the white box. I gasped at the silver necklace that was in the box. It had a little music note pendant.

"Is that-"

"Yes, it's for you because I know how much you love music." He explained to me. I can't believe I have a boyfriend who loves me this much but I can't even remember him.

As he placed the necklace around my neck, I saw a white circle out of nowhere. It was on a wall or something. It was just floating.



"What's that?" I pointed at the circle.

"Oh. That's a portal." He said as if it's a normal object that you see everyday.

"A portal? For what?" I asked.

"For escaping."

"Escaping? Escaping what?"

"Your current dream."

My current dream? I don't understand. That means, I'm only dreaming? This is way too freaky.

"I thought this was real life? Am i dreaming?" I asked him. He looked at me as if I was a lunatic.

"Real life? Peyton, you came home from school tired as a farmer. You went straight to your bedroom and crashed on your bed. Of course you're dreaming. Real life doesn't involve white trees, white skies and white roads." I took a look around and realized that everything that I was seeing was nothing but white. This means Harry isn't real either.

"So, are you real or not?" I asked him but he just ignored my question.

"Harry? Are you real? Because I need to know as soon as possible."

"You'll know soon." He smiled.


"Dad, it's been a day and she isn't waking up yet. But she's breathing. Should we bring her to the hospital?" Johnny nervously shook her sister's body.

"Maybe we should. It's getting kind of serious."

Johnny, Meryl, and Ethan rushed Peyton to the hospital. The immediately called a doctor and put Peyton in the emergency room.


"Peyton, what would you do if you meet me in real life?" Harry asked with his dimpled smile.

"Hmm... I would probably hug you and kiss you to death." I giggled and he laughed. We were walking through a white field of white roses. Our hands were intertwined and the wind was passing through our hair.

"Really?" He asked; still chuckling. "Well, I'd marry you."

"Whoa, wha-"

"Hold on! I wasn't finished with my sentence." I sighed in relief.

"I thought you were going to marry me as soon as I wake up!"

"Oh, Peyton. You sure are funny." He said sarcastically.

"Whatever." I laughed.

"As I was saying, I'd take you out on a first date. And then, after a few dates, I'll court you and I hope you won't turn me down. And after a few years of being boyfriend and girlfriend, I'll ask you to marry me." He said with his smile.


Hey bitchachos. Sorry this is short but i s2g i will make you feel like the only girls in the world-

wait no

i promise you guys will like this story bc its very cool and interesting :----)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2014 ⏰

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