Chapter 1

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Today was not so much of a great day. It's not like one of those day's where the sky is gray, nor is it raining or pouring and no man is snoring.

Let us begin!

"ANDY!!! WE HAVE TO GO!" That was my mom Wendy. We are moving today and I'm not liking it. It all happened so sudden that I could not even say goodbye to my friends. Now we are leaving this place. I don't even know where we are gonna go and my mom really does not wanna tell me. That makes me begin to think that where we are going is going to be terrible!

"COMING MOM!!!" I began to say," I JUST NEEd To have a m...o...m...e...n...t." I said this in such a whisper voice i don't even think she heard me. I'm pretty sure she did not hear me.

As I took one more look around my empty bedroom, I picked up my last box and suitcase and walked out of the front door to my moms car. My mom had an old 1955 split screen samba bus from Volkswagen. It was the only thing she kept after the divorce, because my dad did not give it to her. It was handed down to her from her grandmas grandma, to her grandma and now to her and she loves the damn thing. The second she got the money she needed to restore it that was exactly what she did.

I loaded my box and suitcase into the car and climbed into the car. I took one last look at the house as we drove down the road.

"I know this is hard" mom began to say," but just think of the adventure!"

That did not make me feel any better because we were going to live on the other side of the country and i know no one there. Thinking this made me tear up a little.

"What did dad do, Mom?" I asked.

"Your dad did some bad things he should have not done. It was not safe for us to live there anymore. You'll understand soon, dear."

I could see there was something she did not want to tell me but after all, you can't know everything in the world, but what i can tell you is that I'm going to find out what happened at some point. I think my mom just does not want to tell me at this point.

*MANY hours later...*

I must have fallen asleep in the car because it seems to be dark out now. Mom has pulled into a motel and began to unload just one of our suitcases. That was the suitcase that we packed our clothes in. I got out of the car and walked up to the motel doors. Mom went to the receptionist and said they needed a a bedroom with 2 beds.

"Your in luck!" she began to say," That is our last room here! How long will you be staying for?"

"Just tonight." my mom said.

"Jolly spiffy! Enjoy your one night stay!"

Then she handed us the keys. The key was a rusted copper key with a gift tag on it that said "ROOM 122". So my mom and I made our way to the room. The hallways seemed creaky. Not something you would usually see or hear. It seemed old and freaky, as if it were one of those old, abandoned hotels. Like the one in Billie's music video called 'Bury a friend'.

We got to the door of our room, an old, chipped wooden door with a rusted copper door handle to go with it.

"I know its not so great but its a place to sleep." mom said.

She out the key into the key hole and turned it unleashing this groan. This key mechanism must have been extremely old, because it was rusted as the statue of liberty.

She turned the nob, and every so gently, she opened the door. What was inside was...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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