About Ash

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Hi, my name is Ash, and I got into class 1A. Tomorrow is my first day, and I'm so excited. I wonder what kinds of quirks my classmates will have? I wonder if everyone is nice? I sure hope so. I wonder what they will say about my eye? I hope they will not make fun of it. It hurts a lot. I hear that my teacher was someone named Aizawa. I sure hope he is nice. All of my other teachers were mean, but that does not mean he is mean. I hope they like my quirk.It's a little overpowered, but it should be fine. I don't think they will like how I can fly on top of my quirk though, but wings are not part of my quirk. I don't know. All I can do is just hope.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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