44//Not again

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I really feel left out.....



Now we are headed to lunch, everyone seems to be trying to make today a great day for me...


Do they really care for me...

"Hey sho are you okay..."

Huh, I looked up and it was izuku....
"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"Okay, just asking you seem distracted" he smiled and holded my hand.

I need to stop with this negative thoughts, am supposed to be getting better for izu and everyone else.

But then when I get back home with father...

I don't know what he will do, "hey sho, smile will yah!"

Izuku looked at me and pointed at his mouth where a big smile was.

"Okay.." I gave a small smile.

We got lunch and me and izu are sitting alone together, "sho, are you sure you're okay you seem really distracted."

I looked up and looked at him, "I don't want to bother you."

"Hey you need to trust me okay!" He looked at me with a soft smile and grabbed my hand.

"Ugh okay, it's just well all this friends and happy moments.... I wish they would last, after school am going to go back home and live a hell, this... this happy feeling will leave... My father he will probably try and kill me when I get home...."

I looked down at my food and I felt my stomach get sick, "sho, you're not alone am with you i won't let anything happen to you I promise, and this is only the start you have friends now you aren't alone"

I smiled at izu, but after what he said my chest feels heavy I don't know why.

Whatever I have to eat...



You're fat


This continues I can't do this anymore, Why why these voices!

The more I try to be okay the more they don't leave.


What are you

You don't even visit




Why won't it stop....

I stand up "am going to the bathroom..." And left walking to the bathroom.

Calm down shoto....

Sorry Izu~ (Tododeku)Where stories live. Discover now