The reason of my fear

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The reason of my fear was spoke about many times my 'mum and dad' as I always refer to them weren't always my parents. I was adopted foure times and lost all my trust. My really parents were so bad to me I got taken away from them, but my scars never healed, it's because of them that I lost my trust straight away, wen I went into my first foster family then didn't even know what they were getting into, they didn't know much about me or my condition. I didn't talk and by two years wen I was 6 they lost there patients the dad developed drinking problems and lost control of his patients and scared me even more. By being so scared no foster family worked for me.
The only place I ever spoke was to trees, I wrote on pages and read books.

This foster family is patients they accept me and understand me and as I grew older my fear reduced but it's still to strong. I really appreciate them for understanding me and not looking there patients, they manage with me although it's like talking to a ghost.
Despite them being a good foster family I still need to run away...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2019 ⏰

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