We Belong ~ Steve Harrington x reader

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    You had known Steve Harrington since Preschool. You would play on the playground together throughout elementary school. You weren't really best friends or anything, but he thought you were fun to swing with. But when you reached middle school, there wasn't recess anymore. Sure, Steve was in pretty much every class of yours, but middle school was when he started his reign as "King Steve". And that's when you started to recede into the shadows. While everyone was making their new friends, you could be found in the library. Alone. But you were ok with that! No one really bothered you and you gained a reputation for being the sweetest thing in the world.
    It wasn't until high school that people got mean. You still tried your hardest to be kind and helpful. But it got to a point where you just wanted to be invisible. Which is hard when you're the teacher's pet. Instead of taking a science class, you went to administration to see if you could help your middle school science teacher out. And of course, they said yes. That's where you met the party. And that's where this story really starts.
    You had helped with the whole demogorgon and mind flayer stuff. Mainly because you wanted to protect those kids. You loved them and they loved you. The big curveball happened when Dustin dragged Steve into the Dart issue. You two had gotten closer over the past year, but this was the first time in years you'd actually spent any time together. And of course it had to happen while you three threw meat on the old train tracks. You always had sort of felt like a single mom when it came to the kids. You transported them, fed them, supervised them, etc. etc. etc. So, with Steve coming in to help, it felt like you had a husband to take care of the kids too.
    You tried to ignore the feelings. Nancy had become your best friend, and that history defined messy. But you had to shake your fist at yourself the night of the Snowball. Steve was dropping you and Dustin off. Dustin to party and you to chaperone. But of course, you decided to sign Steve up to chaperone as well. And that was fine! You two were chatting and having a great time! That is, until the slow song started.
    "You know, I can't remember seeing you at our Snowball, (Y/N)," Steve mentioned.
    "Oh, I didn't go," you replied quietly.
    "Why not?" Steve sounded shocked
    "Well," you chuckled, "dances aren't much fun when you don't even have friends to go with" Steve had a strange look on his face.
    "What?" you asked with a smile.
    "Well I'm just realizing that that means you never had a slow dance!"
    "Well that just won't do!" and before you could protest, Steve Harrington was dragging you onto the dance floor.
    "I don't know what I'm doing!" you exclaimed.
    "I'll show you!" Steve smiled.
    And there you were. Surrounded by middle schoolers. Slow dancing with Steve Harrington. And that's when you knew that those feelings? Well, you couldn't ignore them anymore.
    Flash forward to June 1985 and you and Steve had been officially dating for three months. The best three months of your life. You were working at a record store in the mall, and Steve was working at "Scoops Ahoy!" which was located right across from you. On this particular day, Steve was stuck greeting customers outside of his shop. Now, your boss and Steve's boss had a bit of a feud going on. So of course your boss wanted to have the store doors open and the music blaring. As you were organizing the CDs you came across a hit from the year prior. A song that you had deemed as your's and Steve's. "We Belong" by Pat Benetar.
    You placed the CD in the stereo system and cranked the volume. If your back hadn't been turned, you would've seen Steve's head snap up. He did not have a good feeling about what was to come. And boy oh boy was he right. You tore you scrunchie out of your hair and walked out into the general public. And then you started dancing. It was full arms flailing, legs kicking, and head banging. Add your scream-singing onto that and you had Steve trying to hold back his laughter. And in that moment he was reminded of how much he loves you for the millionth time. About halfway through the song he decided that he had no choice but to join you.
    In no time, you two were singing on the table tops in the foodcourt, definitely disturbing the peace. But the two of you didn't care. You were too caught up in the song and your love.
The song ended and you two gave a mock bow. The people around you gave some annoyed applause. Steve pulled you in and pressed his lips to yours. You two definitely did belong.

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