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He slowly crept into the trees as the tiny creatures guided him. The Society had told him they didn't exist, but here they were, all smiles and joy as the myths told. Luckily he had a magnifying glass and could easily describe and draw the beautiful beings.
The faeries led him deeper and deeper into the forest, they're small voices seemed loud in his ears. Why had The Society not wanted him to go, they told him he was mad, others had gone and never came back. There was no reason for the drama as the species seemed rather harmless, in fact they seemed overjoyed with his arrival. That's probably why the others had stayed here, it was so happy here.
He felt happy. A feeling he'd long forgotten, but now he giggled at even the thought of anything else but this overwhelming happiness. He thought of his partners and their warnings.
Finally he entered a small opening, a chair placed to the side and a table with what looked like tea and fine china. The smell of strawberries and something unknown was strong, he looked around but saw no strawberries. He brushed this away, the faeries were friends. He was going to prove everyone wrong, he just knew this was the biggest event for humanity. Discovering faeries.

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The man opened the newspaper, inside was a huge story of the scientist that had disappeared over a decade ago. They had said he'd gone mad. Hikers had found his skeleton. Reporters say he was sat in a chair, with a teacup in his hand raised to his lips. More than a dozen other skeletons were found laying around the tiny table. There was a faint smell of strawberries and blood.

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