Just a prompt i found

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Lori wasn't stupid. She saw him flinch, not only did he coincidentally flinch when she screamed potato in her head but he was quick to avoid all eye contact when he noticed she saw him.
Was it coincidental? The whole event was strange. Lori had no way to comprehend such an event. In fact, her mind wandered to the elephant in the room. He had heard everything she had ever said about him in that class.
"Oh Apollo, you idiot," she stared daggers into he back of his head, "you let me make a fool of myself in front of you without knowing." She thought this of course, knowing he'd hear it if her suspicions were indeed correct.
Apollo was slowly banging his head on the desk. The bell rang and he almost broke into a sprint trying to get out of the room. Lori was angry, he wouldn't even make eye contact with her. She felt she deserved the truth.

The next week Apollo avoided Lori even more than he already did. She decided it was unfair. He went up to him at his locker.
"Hey"— she got close enough he couldn't escape — "how are you today?" Lori smiled and tried to keep eye contact.
"Uh yea, I'm doing good." He slowly shut his locker. "I've got to get to class."
"Oh history right? I have that class too, walk me there?" She hooked her arm onto his and started walking to class. He seemed nervous.
"Look Lori, I know you know what I can do." He said. Lori raised her eyebrows, so we would talk about it.
"Oh? Would you finally like to explain yourself. Let me feel the shame sink in as you tell me everything you heard me say about you. Or are you just going to brush me off and tell me I'm crazy." She looked at him, "I don't like feeling stupid, Apollo." His face went red as they entered the classroom. Apollo sat and turned quickly.
"At 12:45 go to the bathroom okay?" Lori nodded.
Class started as usual and exactly at 12:40 Apollo went to the bathroom and Lori had to painstakingly wait for 12:45 to come. Longest five minutes she had ever gone waited.

"Okay Lori is course I've known you like me... and I've heard the things you say in your head, all the things." He shifted uncomfortably.
"Thank you Apollo, I could not have figured that out myself," she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.
"Alright no need to be hostile! I'm explaining myself alright, try being able to hear everyone's thoughts it isn't fun in the slightest," his voice was on the verge of yelling, he realized and lowered his voice. "Lori I like you a lot and hearing how much you like me was a reassurance, I wasn't trying to upset you at all, but listening in on your thoughts have been the best part of my day since I met you." He held his hand out, Lori still wasn't completely convinced. He hadn't told her any of this before, he didn't even talk to her outside of the awkward 'hey' when they bumped into each other.
"Why should I believe you? You've done nothing to express your feelings and you've barely explained."
Apollo sighed, "What do you want me to say? Yea I read minds, how? That I don't know, does anyone else know? No one else but you. Do you not see how hard it is to talk to you? I get scared, I'm awkward, not really a person someone would like!" He threw his arms up in exasperation. Lori stared at her shoes. She didn't know what she wanted from him, she was embarrassed. She wanted to cry, her eyes watering but no tears falling yet.
"It's okay, you're okay. I do sort of hope we can talk now? Start of relationship, whether it be a friendship or something else if that's okay. Hey, hey, hey, don't cry." He pulled her into a hug, tears rolling down her cheeks.

(If y'all like this I can continue it, if anyone sees this that is.)

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