No Choice

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He bit harder into my neck like a vampire, which kept forcing moans from me

"Mmmmh~stop~Kacchan" I moaned accidentally. I felt him smirk against my neck

"You don't want me to stop Villian Fucker" he said, his voice husky

"Dont call me that" I snapped, however, under his control like this made me voice run timid

He chuckled evily as his other hand rubbed between my legs, on my clothed member. Blood was already rushing to it and he was gonna make it worse. I felt my pants tighten and bulge out

"Haa~" I moaned as he grabbed my face with his other and and forced his lips on mine

His tongue jammed in my mouth and swirled with mine roughly as his hand rubbed my semi hard member harder, making a more intense friction

I sighed in pleasure as he sucked my tongue and bit it slightly. I hated how much power he had over my slightly trembling form

After a rough, forced make out session, I looked away from him, hating the fact that he was acutally getting a hold of me

"You still taste so damn good~" he said, smirking as he began yanking my hoodie off

Everything got fuzzy. It felt exactly like our moments from high school. How he would yank my jacket off and tear my clothes off so rough I always needed new ones. My mom would ask, but i would just say hero training is messing my clothes off

And it was that sneakiness, that dominance of his that always made me like him

My mind cleared of the fuzz as I watched him take my jacket all the way off and throw it somewhere

Regardless to my choked up feelings, I cannot do this

"Kacchan stop, or I'll handle you myself"

Kacchan smirked even more as he detached from me, folding his arms in front of me "Oh really? Do you not realize the power I have over you Deku"

"What power" I asked as he chuckled evily

The next words he told me, immobilized me. It sent a huge chill down my spine

"You got your power from All Might, Deku"

My eyes widened as I stared at him

How in the hell does he know that?!

He chuckled more "Well now look who's scared. Try me Deku, I know you more than anybody. I can expose you. And then your reputation will be ashes. The whole world of quirks will shift and since All Might's long retired, they'll be looking at your ass"

I cant believe this. I mean, he wouldn't....would he?

Regardless, he's right. Ill face so much controversy. The world would go crazy. I cant have that. Im supposed to bring the opposite of that

"I own you Deku"

I stared at him as he forced another kiss on me, forcing his tongue down my throat and kissing me roughly. I felt his tounge on mines again, and after a moment, he broke the kiss

"Im done talking to you"

My body jerked back as he pushed me on my bed and ripped my shirt off. Meanwhile, i was still battling my feelings as i panted....was and bothered by him??

Choked Up Feelings (Villian! Kacchan x Hero! Deku) ✔Where stories live. Discover now