Chapter 3: Class 1-A and Oncoming Challenges

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"IZUKU!" I screamed. Even if I had just met him, he was my friend.

"Kalli, you need to calm yourself. Everything will play out, but screaming at the screen will do nothing." Nezu explained.

"Sure, but, I just don't want him to- What the heck is he doing?!" I yelled, directing my attention to the screen.

A blurry, green shape of him was running toward this girl. Wait, that's the girl from earlier. Oh shoot, she's stuck.

"GO IZU!! YOU CAN DO IT!" He began to pull her out of the rubble. Then the artificial red glowing eyes finally spotted Izu and the other girl. It looked like she was injured, because she wasn't moving. He jumped up super high and punched the robot. "Woah, his arm." He finally used his quirk, but broke his arm in the process.

"AND THATS IT! THANKS SO MUCH FOR COMING TO THE EXAM KIDS." Uncle Mic yelled over the loud speaker.

Then, from outside the camera frame, Grandma Recovery healed Izu and all the other injured applicants. Good to know he'll be ok. I thought.

"You ready to go, Kalli?" I hear Nezu ask me.


Time skip to first day of school. Sorry, but I don't know what else to include.

Beep Beep Beep

"Ugh." I groaned from underneath my soft covers. "WHY. ARE. YOU. SO. ANNOYING?!" I yelled at my alarm clock as I struggled to turn it off. "What day is it today?" I said as I picked up my phone from my night stand. Jeez, dejavu much? The light from the screen reached my eyes. "HOLY COCATOO EGGS ITS THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL."

By the way this is all in English.

I quickly put on my uniform and pulled my socks up. I then grabbed my glasses and phone.

"Good morning Uncle Nezu!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs.

"Did you forget to cast the spell again?" He blandly asked as he buttered the toast.

"Oh shoot, thanks. I totally forgot." Then I casted the spell. "I'm soooooo excited!!!!" I'm hyped. I'm going to the school of my dreams.

"I can tell. Don't forget to make friends. Allies are very important for the future."

"Yup!" I responded with my mouth full of toast.

As soon as I finished I got dropped off at the front of the UA gates.

"Bye Uncle Nezu. I'll see you later!" I yelled into the car.

After we said our goodbyes, I start toward the school.  Alright Kalli, new year, new school, new people. I thought as I headed to Class 1-A's door. I pushed the intimidating door open. I looked at the seating chart and sat where I was assigned. I placed my bag on my seat and went to talk with a guy. I'm pretty sure his name was Tenya Iida. I was assigned to him as well during the entrance exams.

"Hi my name is Kalli Monzuki. It's a pleasure meeting you." I said finally building up courage .

"Hello. My name is Tenya Iida. The pleasure is all mine. My quirk is called Engine, what about you?" He said non-chalantly.

"O-oh! It's called Magic." I said hesitantly, a bit shocked at his forwardness.

"Normally I would think that the name of a quirk would be self-explanatory, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see what it is." He mumbled. Isn't that Izuku's job?

Ring Ring Ring

"Alright sit down. It took you 8 seconds to get to your seats. Time is valuable." A thing on the ground said. Wait, I know that voice. "I'll be your home room teacher, Mr. Aizawa." Called it. "Put on your PE uniform and meet outside."

"But sir, what about the opening ceremony?!" I hear Iida call from the front.

"It's not required." I totally forgot what he actually said.

Time skip to after they change.

When you think of uniform, you think stiff clothing, but this is actually really light and comfy.

"Bakugo, come here." Mr. Aizawa demanded. He made his way toward a circle in the ground.
"What was your softball score in junior high?"

"67 meters."

"Go and use your quirk now."

"Wait really? Cool." He stated before he pulled his arm back. "DIEEE!!!!!!" He screeched as he threw the ball into the sky.

"Die?" I mumbled.

"What's the score?"

"705.2" He blandly said. "However, whoever takes last place, will be expelled."

"eXpELLed?!" Majority of the class yelled.

He's bluffing. Anyone who knows Aizawa would know that he's bluffing. Right?

"Demonstration over. The real thing begins."

50 meter dash

I went up against Iida, but this was really a individual and evaluation.

"3.02" the robot said to Iida.

"4.10" the robot said to me.

"Dang it. I didn't think of using my teleportation spell."

Ok look, you don't wanna see me struggle to right the rest of this scene, and I don't wanna write it. So time skip to after the evaluations.

Poor Izu, the really only noteworthy record was his throw. Hopefully Uncle Aizawa really was bluffing.

The placement board (I think that's what it's called) was shining on all of our faces, literally.

Nice, 4th place! Good for Momo, she got 1st. Who got las- oh no. I covered my mouth in shock, well not really. He still needs to figure out how to control his power. At least he kept the damage to a minimal.

"And oh ya, the thing about being expelled thing was a... rational deception." Uncle Aizawa blandly stated.

"wHaT?!" Most of the class exclaimed.

"It was kinda obvious that it wasn't true." I hear Momo say.

"Called it." I say.

"You knew?!" Iida, Izu, and the brunette, I think her name is Ururaka, yell.

"He wouldn't, it's the 1st day of school." Although I was told he DID expel an entire class last year, but, new year new me, right?

At this point Izu could produce more water out of his eyes than seas itself. He was BAWLING of happiness.

"Izu, just relax. I know Mr. Aizawa can be scary sometimes,'ll be fine! I know we can get through this year together. I have I hopes for you." I said, trying to be inspirational.

"Right, I just have to try to cont-"

"DAMN DEKU!!! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET A QUIRK FROM?!" Bakugo yells as he bolts for him. All of a sudden a light grey substance captures him. "WHY IS THIS CLOTH SO STIFF?!"

"Stop it, I'm getting dry eye." He glared at Bakugo. After he finally calmed down, classes were normal, and boring. But, it's school, can't really change it.

"How was your 1st day, Kal?" My friend Val said from my phone.

"Good I guess." Valerie Konnor is my best friend in the U.S. Unfortunately I had to pay extra to communicate to people in another country, but that's why Viber exists. It's a real thing. Oh btw this ain't sponsored. So now I DONT have to pay extra.

"I miss you. For sure I'll visit when I can."

With that, I hung up the phone. Little did I know what would happen the next day.
————————————————————————Hey, so sorry for the late update. I've been really busy lately, but I'll try to post the next chapter soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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