Day 7

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You quickly gathered your things after Jaehee's call imploring you to go to the C&R office to convince Jumin to get back to work. Over the past few days, you had begun to grow fond of the aloof director, and it distressed you to see him in such an anguished state. Your heart fluttered at the thought of seeing him in person and you knew you had to spruce up a bit before you leave.

After a good wash, a refreshing face mask, and donning your favorite seasonal outfit, you locked the door and made your way down, where you were greeted by a chauffeur, sent by Jaehee for you.


Shortly after leaving the chat room, the driver pulled up to a massive skyscraper, the C&R logo emblazoned on the front. Butterflies aflutter and heart on your sleeve, you stepped out, thanked the driver, and made your way into the imposing building.

As you took the elevator up, thoughts of Jumin bombarded you. What will he think of me when he finally sees me? Will he send me back? You had spaced out at the moment, lost in your thoughts, so you were caught off guard when the doors opened, revealing a spacious penthouse and a familiar figure just as caught off guard as you were.

Oh dear, you groaned inwardly, what have I gotten myself into? You'd seen Jumin's photos in the chat, but they paled in comparison to the image before you. Being as short as you were, Jumin quite easily towered over you a good foot or more. His broad shoulders tapered down to a narrow waist and left you wondering how in the world he was able to keep such incredible physique sitting in his office all day. Your face you knew grew redder and redder as you continued to check his form; you thought this is worst until you saw his face and met his eyes; at that point, you were a goner. Twin dark pools gazed down at you, framed by a mop of disheveled black hair that looked silky to the touch. You could sense his question, and you knew you had to get yourself together or risk looking like a lunatic standing there gawking at him. Shaking yourself out of your reverie, you conjured up a big, hopefully, charming smile and cheerfully extended your hand.

"Hi! I'm Y/N, I apologize for coming over so late, you see Jaehee wanted me to come over to see how you were and I wanted to make sure you were alright seeing how you seem to be really stressed over what's happened lately and I just wanted to make sure you were okay." you rambled on. God, he must really think I'm a lunatic now! You cringed inwardly and started rerunning what you'd said. You knew you had to be a red as a lobster at that point.

During your little altercation with yourself, Jumin had strolled closer to you without your notice, and once he did get your attention he made sure to keep it, locking his eyes with yours. His eyes danced with mirth and intrigue, drawing you closer.

"Hello Y/N, it's wonderful to get to finally meet you. I apologize for the state of things, as well as the cause for our first meeting. Regardless, it's getting quite late; I think it'd be best if you stay over tonight. You must be hungry. Come, I'll cook up some dinner..."


After dinner and a couple interesting cat convos later, you and Jumin began settling in for the evening. After heavy insistence on your part that you didn't need a tailored set of nightwear to sleep in, Jumin grudgingly gave you one of his nightshirts. It was way long on you, but it was incredibly soft. You quite liked it, and it's seemed like Jumin did too, seeing the way his eyes darkened when he saw you. You were sure you heard him murmuring about a new nightwear line at some point. You were both settled on the sofa near the bed, online on the chat room with Zen. You and Jumin were on opposites sides of the loveseat, yet somewhere along with the chat, you two began a little game of footsies. After a while, it became apparent that you were fighting a losing battle. Your legs were tangled under his and all attempts became futile once he secured his grip. He looked up from the chat, a little smirk plastered on his face. You playfully let out a little huff, earning you quiet chuckles from the other side of the sofa. Your heart warmed at the sound. You wouldn't mind hearing it on a daily basis.

Zen: He better not be doing anything funny! Jumin's a rock, but deep down all men are wolves! Stay alert Y/N!!

You laughed quietly at Zen's antics. The irony certainly wasn't lost on you. Jumin seemed to be the polar opposite from what everyone deemed him to be-the aloof, ever stoic businessman. Yet here he was, lending you his clothes and playing footsies. After a while, your eyelids began to droop. You glanced at your phone's time, surprised to see that it was nearing midnight. Guess times flies when you're having fun, you mused. A cheery little chirp alerted you of a new message.

Jumin: She looks sleepy. I should go put her to bed

Zen: What the hell are you talking about?!

You felt a blush creeping up your neck as you looked up at Jumin. He gave you a soft smile before standing up, carefully untangling his legs from yours.

"I've gotta organize some things in the kitchen, I'll be right back. Why don't you make yourself comfortable under the covers?" With that, Jumin strides back into the kitchen.

~First Encounters~ Jumin Han and YouWhere stories live. Discover now