"Klaire, Klaire, Klaire"

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    "Mi novia, stop stressing over this stupid guy."
Ella flicks my forehead and I finally glance her way. My eyes quickly trail back down to my phone and the plate of chicken salad next to it. A meal with Ella was never boring and you can hold me to that.
"Just do it!"
She snickers, I roll my eyes and nod, shoving a fork full of salad into my mouth and tapping away at my screen.

Me: Hey, "Shawn". It's fine. Maybe if you just told me who you really were, I wouldn't be so agitated.🤷🏻‍♀️


I choke on the large piece of lettuce in mouth and Ella snickers, hitting my back and handing me her lemonade. With her other free hand, she plucks the phone from my grasp.
"Ok, this is what...."
She pauses, raising an eyebrow and pressing a few buttons then beginning to read aloud. I'm assuming she changed the contact name.

"Shawn": Listen, I already told you who I am. What proof do you need that it's me?

My suspicions are confirmed when she tilts the phone in my direction, allowing me to read over the content.
I smile vaguely and ruffle my hair, pulling it back into a bun and sipping her lemonade again. It was kind of bitter, not too much sugar, well not the amount I would have liked.

"He sent a photo!"

She gasps. My eyes shoot up as I stop fantasizing about sugary drinks.
   I can physically feel my heart skip a beat or two, Why? I don't know!
My legs quickly wobble and jump to action as I nearly fall on my ass, attempting to hurdle myself over the two other wooden chairs sitting idly next to the table.

Both Ella and I stand motionless as we stare down at the recently received photo.
   His messy brown curls are draped perfectly across his forehead in a careless fashion and he has one arm tucked behind his head, flexing his perfect biceps nonchalantly. My eyes move to the next spot of the photo, his soft lips and chocolate brown eyes that form the perfect puppy eye look.
I notice a crimson blush creep across my cheeks, glancing away, worried about what I owuld do if I stared at the photo too long.

"He could have gotten that off the internet so easily."
I roll my eyes nervously. She gets a sly grin and begins to speak aloud as she types away, nails clicking against the screen obnoxiously.

Me: Send me a video of you doing a handstand with a spoon in your mouth, then say my name seven times.

"Shawn": Now I'm a witch, huh?

Me: Do it, "Mendes."

"Shawn": Whats with all the quotation marks?😒

"Ok, now we just wait. Leave him on read." 

     Ella nods, pushing my phone against my chest. 

I laugh weakly, kicking the leg of the chair nervously.
     "Chill out."
 She giggles, walking towards the island and leaving me to panic in my own little puddle of anxiety.

My fingers move to the side of my phone, clicking the off button, but, the ding we were anticipating changes my plans. My hands fumble, scrambling to get my phone back on. 

     We both are left with dry throats and brains that felt completely blown out of our heads, we just watched a video of our so called Shawn doing a handstand with a little yellow spoon in his mouth, it looks like one from Dairy Queen but that's beside the point. As soon as he dropped from the little acrobat trick, fixing his grey t-shirt, he stares into the camera with a chuckle. 

  "Klaire, Klaire, Klaire, Klaire..."

   He goes on all the way to seven, just as he was told, his sexy morning voice stabbing through my heart like a broken cupids bow. Of course first reaction is to chuck my phone across the kitchen, screaming, alongside a shrieking Ella. This can't be real and we both want to believe it isn't, no matter how damning the evidence was. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2020 ⏰

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