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Hello. My name is Amberly Huntress. *Imagine we're shaking hands- I do like formal introductions* Welcome to my first ever Wattpad story.

Is it dramatic? Are you hooked? Do I have any actual ~readers~ yet??

You have nooo idea how terrified I was posting this thing. It's crazy. Hope you like it!! xx


Firstly, I have dedicationssss...

@p1nksunflower , thank youuuu a tonne for convincing me to write an actual book !! Sending you a thousand hugs.

@tuivaiti , thank you for being my first ever wattpad friend! People who defend you in the comments are total ride-or-dies for life (is that an oxymoron?)

@AgathaRoza , for taking the time out to inspire and encourage 'unknown' writers! Thank you!


I never know how exactly to start a story. I always get stuck with seventy million different scenes entangled within my brain, weaving about my head and forming long knots and trails that lead off into nothingness. But sometimes, I think that I can maybe undo a tangled plot, unravel a string of sequential events to make an actual story.

I really am quite good at undoing knots.

Anyways, hopefully, this is one of the times that a devil's tongue becomes a nice long smooth piece of story. Okay, woah, this string analogy has gone on for wayyy too long now.

Maybe you're losing interest already? Please don't. Well, not just yet anyway. Here, have another random excerpt from a possible future chapter... Hopefully, it will keep you hooked. (Haha, hooked! Cos hooks go on the end of a fishing line and fishing line is actually ~string. Ahhhh, I'll stop now...)


The silence is broken only by the sudden shrill whistle of his cut crystal glass as it slices through the air and smashes against a wall. Broken diamond-like shards litter the elaborate Persian rug and ruby red droplets of his vintage Chateau Lafite wine rest upon the fronds of an indoor palm tree, glimmering like tiny expensive pomegranates.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind?!"

And when he answers, his voice is deathly quiet.

"Do you want to find out?"

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