Demi Lovato (sister imagine)

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Kinda in a rough sistuation, nothing bad. Okay kinda bad. Well let me introduce myself I'm Y/n Lovato I'm 18, and I'm guessing you saw my last name, yes my sister is Demi Lovato. Anyways you see I missed my period and me being the paranoid freak I am took a pregnancy test annndddd it's positive. My boyfriend I should say ex now dumped me I told him and he said to get rid of it, which I'm not doing.

No one knows and I'm scared, scared for me and this baby I'm not ready to be a mother but is anyone really? I'm gonna try to hold it off on telling my family just for now.

*knock knock*

" come in" I shout
"Hey just coming up to check on you how's it's going?"
"Um yeah good, mmh great".
"You sure, you seem nervous."
"Yeah totally, doing well."
"Mmh, I don't believe you what's going on? Come on I'm your big sister I won't tell."
"You promise."
"I promise babygirl."
"I'm pregnant and jack dumped me because of it." I say in tears
"Oh, baby it's okay I've got you. Your gonna have to tell mom and dad."
"I can't what if they throw me out."
" they won't, if they do you can live with me. I promise you everything will be fine."


I'm now sat around the dinner table with the family Demi is next to me holding my hand under the table. I'm so scared but i have to tell them.

"Mom, dad I have some new."
"What is it sweetie" mom says
"I don't want you to be mad at me but, I'm pregnant." I say with tears
"Wait really, does jack know." Dad says
" um yeah, he broke up with me when he found out."
"Oh honey, it's ok we will be here to support you don't worry, I can't wait to meet my grandchild." Mom says
"Thank you momma."


9 months later I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy

9 months later I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy

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Declan James Lovato

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