Let me see your arms...

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"Johnny come on, what's wrong?" Sue asked, very concerned about her brother. Ever since her and Reed got married a month ago, he had been acting... Strange. He wouldn't eat, he slept more, and he locked himself in his room. The only way Sue could get him to eat and come out of his room is if Reed told him to.

"Nothing." was all he said and turned back to the TV, pulling the sleeves of his shirt over his hands. That was another thing. He always wore a long sleeved shirt now. You would never see him without one.

"Johnny... Let me see your arms." Sue stated, finally fed up with her brothers ridiculous behavior.

She saw Johnny turn to her, eyes wide with a surprised look on his face.

"N-no. It's... cold in here." Johnny said as he pulled at his sleeve again.

"HERBIE, whats the tempature in the room?" Sue asked

"80 degrees miss!" HERBIE replied in a happy tone.

Johnny turned a little red in the face, then made another excuse."That's cold to me."

"Johnny, let. Me. See. Your. Arms." Sue stated in a calm, yet urging voice.

"No." Johnny replied once more, now standing up.

Her brother was so difficult. Sue sighed and rubbed her temples, then she noticed a small amount of blood on the sleeve of Johnny's shirt.

"Johnny... What's that?" she asked then pointed to the small blood stain.

When he noticed it, he put his arm behind his back. "Nothing."

"That's not nothing." Without warning, she grabbed his arm and pulled the sleeve up all the way.

"Let go." Johnny said as he tried to tug his arm away.

"...Where did you get these...?" There were cuts all up Johnny's arm, there wasn't a single open spot on his arm where the cuts weren't present.

"I-i said let go." Johnny repeated, he looked like he was on the verge of crying.

"... Johnny..." Sue looked at her brother, who had finally gotten his arm free. He immediately pulled his sleeve down.

"It's nothing."

"No. Johnny you can't keep saying that. You're cutting." Sue raised her voice slightly.

"I'm not" Johnny shot back, using the same level of volume his sister had.

"I just saw your arm! You are! Are they on the other too!? Johnny you need to talk to someone!" Sue shouted, getting the attention of Ben, who came into the living room from the kitchen.

"What's goin on?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

Sue turned to Johnny. "Show him your arms."


After she got her answer from Johnny, she turned to Ben. "Come here and look at his arms," she looked back at Johnny. "Johnny, you need to talk."

"Leave me alone," was his answer. "I don't want to."

Sue then grabbed Johnny's arm and once again yanked up the sleeve up as far as it would go. "Come here and look." She said to Ben, who was already on walking over to them.

"Kid..." Was all he said as Johnny jerked his arm away from his sister and pulled the sleeve back down.

"Don't touch me." was all he said as he ran into his room and locked the door.

Oh jeebus my hands hurt from typing... well, i think i did a pretty good job on the first chapter. This story was inspired by a roleplay I did with my friend. anyway, hope you enjoyed! :)

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