Chapter 1

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As Betty opens the door to her apartment in London she sees her laptop flashing. She notices she has revived an email from Matt, her ex boyfriend.

"BETTY- I just got home from Africa! It was AMAZING! I feel as if I've finally found my new passion. But more importantly I've missed you so much on this trip. Being there made me think of you. Anyways I can't believe you're running your own magazine in LONDON! How amazing! I just thought it would be great to meet up so if you're coming to New York anytime soon you know where to find me. Miss you B❤️


Betty has a smile so big, her mouth hurts. This email makes her think of visiting New York. It's Thanksgiving in a couple days anyways so she has a break from work. She starts checking the flights for early tomorrow. She figured she would surprise everyone. Betty was a little excited to see everyone anyways. But there was one person she has to tell.


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