11.Our successes and the failure

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This week was the best of my life. I was living happy with Gundham.
No matter how much I told her he had changed, Sonia refused to understand and stopped sponsoring my shop.
I felt really bad for losing her.
She had always been one of my closest friends, and my crush at first...
I asked to talk to her in private.
"Listen Sonia, I'm sorry, but I'm happy with Gundham. Please accept it."
She looked at me like I was a kid.
"Souda don't you see he is using you? He put you under a spell, abused you! And now he's using you for money!"
I stared at her in shock, this was the first time she ever raised her voice in front of me...
"I'm sorry Sonia... I love him and he loves me.
If you were really my friend you would see that."
I left after that and never saw Sonia again.
Nagito and Hajime didn't have much to say, but Hajime did tell me he was disappointed.
All my friends left me, but I couldn't care less.
I was happy.
At least,
until that day.

Trapped (Souda x Gundham)Where stories live. Discover now