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draco's pov

I was livid at her! she declined my hand and walked with potter! I can't believe it! not to mention she warned him about the budger she SENT flying his way and then apologized! I pull her to the corner of the room.

y/n seems a little nervous but she's getting a lot of stares so I don't blame her. "what Is it draco?" she asks even her voice sounds off.

"what the fuck l/n why did you have to invite him to the try outs! Leave the gryffindorks out of slytherin stuff."

"not all of them are dorks and I just wanted-" she starts but I cut her off.

"I was gonna be there. why couldn't you just keep potter away?!? I understand you two are whatever and shit but you're a slyhterin!" 

"what do you care. I've already been casted out because he's my friend." she says her eyes dropping to the floor. I sigh.

"I care because you're my friend remember. "

y/n's pov

draco keeps scolding me about hanging out with harry, ginger, and hermione. I don't hang out with hermione as often but I still do. I stay silent as he continues talking about how odd it is that I hang out with him. finally I can't take it anymore.

"then just leave me alone!" I scream before storming up to my dorms. I go onto my bed drawing the curtains. I hear feet coming into the dorm.

"y/n?" I recognize that voice as Millicent. she's one of my only friends in the dorms. she actually listens to me and we'll have deep talks whenever. sometimes when I get super axious or sad she would listen to my problems while letting me pet her cat. 

"hey Millicent." I mumble an partially open the curtain to see her.

"what happened?" she asks.

I re-encounter everything from the day. asking harry and him being unsure, to the bludger, to apologizing and draco freaking out. she listens and seems angry. I look up to her face and sge stands. "he's just jealous y/n don't let Malfoy get to you."

"jealous?" I repeat. she nods.

"yeah he obviously likes you." she says. she seems even angrier then before. "he needs to chill though. you don't need to be in a relationship yet and especially not with someone like him. even though he's not a slytherin I would prefer you date potter out of the two of them."

I blush, "im not looking to date anyone Millicent." I say.

"I know, they need to realize that." she huffs.

"harry doesn't want to date me either." I say. harry and I have always been close but never thought about dating. she just shrugs and we continue talking.

timeskip to halloween

i was in the great hall picking at my food. depite the excitement around me I cant help but feel upset; we were told today who made the team...I did not. I nibble on a slice of toasted bread.

"y/n why aren't you eating?" I look up at dragon boy.

"im just anticipating when the troll comes in again." I say softly but still in a jokingly manner. he just rolls his eyes even though I see the hint of a smile on his face.

"i'm serious. where's your appetite." I shrug not really wanting to talk either. draco merely sighs. I look towards the door as I hear moaning myrtle.

I watch her fly past tears falling. I wonder what happened.

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