January 1, 2000 -- 12:03 AM

23 2 0

The party was like all other New Years parties. Switzerland didn't change it. 

Joseph Casper Magnus waded through the cheering crowds and splashing champagne glasses. He bit back a curse every time the liquid sloshed onto his ironed business suit. 

He hated parties. 

"Hold that elevator!" he called as his footsteps quickened. He ducked into the small, carpeted car just before the doors slid shut. He drew in a sigh of relief and tentatively set his brief case down by his feet. "Thank you," he breathed, leaning back to catch his breath. 

A larger man with dark hair smoothed back in a mullet style and a darker beard covering his face smiled curtly. In his hands was a tray of two margaritas, probably for some higher-class rich people partying in their rooms. 

"I-I'm Magnus," Joseph introduced himself nervously as he offered a hand to shake. 

The larger man frowned at the hand, then at the man's young face and disheveled look. "Happy." He didn't bother to shake his hand. 

Joseph awkwardly cleared his throat and tucked his hand back away in his pocket, a slight tinge of embarrassment heating his cheeks. He didn't say anything until the elevator pinged and the doors slid open once more. He watched the large man go. 

The doors slid shut again and the elevator began to drop. 

Floor 23...floor 22... Joseph counted the floors in hopes of calming his nerves. 

The elevator dinged. 

The doors slid open, revealing two very large men in suits with guns holstered at their hips. 

Joseph forced a smile. "Good evening gentlemen!" he greeted in a shaky tone as he stepped out into the cold of the dark basement. "I'm Joseph Mag--" 

"We know who you are," one of them rumbled while the other grabbed his briefcase. 

"C-careful with that!" Joseph gasped as he imagined the valuable and fragile vials of DNA tumble around inside. 

The big man merely glared at him, grunted something to his partner, and strode off into the darkness. 

"Let's go," the first man growled, nodding to the dark hall that stretched out before them. 

Slowly, heart pounding in his ears and hands shaking in his pockets, Joseph followed. 

"Magnus!" a chilling voice called from the darkness. "What a pleasant surprise!" 

Joseph squinted at the darkness. "Mr. Osborn...?"

The lights flickered on, revealing two men, one tall and regal the other hunched and in a white lab coat. 

Joseph felt a grin spread across his face as he ran to the taller man and tackled him in a hug. "Mr. Osborn!" he cried. "It's great to see you again!" 

Norman Osborn laughed and hugged back, rubbing the young man's dark hair lovingly. "I'm sorry about your father," he spoke in a sympathetic tone. "He was a good man who didn't deserve to leave this world so soon." 

Joseph nodded, hot tears welling in his eyes. He quickly brushed them away and forced a confident smile. "I want to make him proud," he announced. 

Osborn smiled. "Well then," he responded, "what do you have for me today?" 

Joseph rushed to the large man and grabbed his briefcase. With the enthusiasm of a child on Christmas day, he opened it up and pulled a small vial with a honeycomb-like structure inside. "This," he announced proudly, "is DNA."

Osborn and the scientist shared a skeptical look. 

"But," he continued, handing the vial to the scientist, "this isn't just any DNA. This is the DNA of both animal and human, supporting each other in a structure that can only be described as alien." He smiled, heart filling with excitement. "This, gentlemen, is the future." 

A/N I know Norman Osborn isn't in the MCU but since they are Marvel characters and are important to the story I am bringing them in just this once. 

This part of the story takes place during the beginning of Iron Man 3. 

I do not own Happy, Norman, or the scientist (Doctor Octopus). I only own my OCs (Joseph Magnus). 

Art at the beginning of the chapter is done by me. I do everything old fashioned on paper so I appologize if the picture quality isn't the greatest. This the first time posting my art in a public place so please no flames. I will accept positive comments or constructive criticism.

Thanks for reading! 


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