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Guilt came over dad's face while happiness slids on Valina's
She went and opened the door,the workers if the C.P.A asked a few questions about a missing girl "me"
Valina said "yes she's right in here"
I acted calm even though I know I'm gonna go in the system.
They them came in,said their greetings and asked dad to hand me over. Without any hesitation he just hand me over like I was nothing, tears fell from my eyes😢, the girls held on to my feet and said "Please don't go"
Their mother,Valina took them off my feet and chased them to their rooms.
The C.P.A workers walked me to the van that they came in, put me on the back seat,seatbelts,and then locked the door.
They then came in a drive away.
While in the car I was crying and crying😭, my clothes full of tears, I couldn't believe that I actually gained trust for him and he just let me go like I'm nothing.
The workers that came is actually a male and a female,named; Elisa and Omar.
Elisa turned around to look at me in the back, "why are you crying?" she said
"The man in there,he,he's my father" I replied.
Great shock and curiosity came up on her face, "Are you Alena's kid?" Asked Elisa.
"Yes I am😩" I replied
She hand me a box of tissues,
The man continues to drive, we're here.
He parked the van in the parking lot,and opened the door and took me out.
<<Sblam>> the door closed
They both walked with me going in the building.They took me to the front desk,there they asked for my name and added me to the system.
While walking to the room I was assigned to,kids giving me creepy stares. I wasn't afraid because I've seen worse.
As I found the room,went inside and went on the bunk bed.
While on the bed I kept having flashes of memories in the past but it's not appearing as clear,its foggy.
I started to sleep.

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