That night that changed everything

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That was it. Millie was sitting on the stairs outside the ballroom. The weather was rather cold considering it was the end of February. She was sad. It was her eighteenth birthday. And she felt like crap. Wasn't this supposed to be the best night of her life? Then why was she on the verge of crying?

She tried to recall the past hour. It was all so blurry. All she could remember was that when the clock stroke 24:00 everyone sang her happy birthday and threw her in the air eighteen times. Then she took a shot of tequila with almost everyone. Shortly after that he came to her to tell her that he had to leave.

Why? she asked. It's only past midnight. She wished he could stay more..

I have to be somewhere else tomorrow morning so I ought to leave. Sorry. Hope you enjoy the rest of your birthday. See ya, Mills. He hugged her tightly and left without looking away.

Yeah..see ya, Jacob. And she watched him leave. He was so tall. And so handsome. Yet he destroyed her special night by leaving her out there alone. He was supposed to kiss her on her birthday and they were supposed to take photos together. But none of this happened.

And then, after he left, everything just went crazy. She took more shots. She danced. She cried on the bathroom floor and she tore her dress on the back God knows where and how. She was desperate. Her best friend, Sadie, tried to comfort her but with no results.

He was supposed to stay..she told herself. Now everything was for nothing. She had to keep smiling for the rest of the night for the guests that came all the way there just for her. So she wiped away her tears and left the bathroom barefoot looking for someone to dance with.

She found Alexander, a classmate she was good friends with. He was tall and blonde with hazel eyes and by the way he looked at her, he seemed like he had some alcohol in his system already.

She found herself dancing with him to pass the time, smiling for the photographer when he was around and hugging everyone that came near her. But she knew she felt empty inside.

By 1 AM she knew that she couldn't stay there no more. She went outside. And there she was. Standing on the stairs at 1 AM alone, on her birthday. She saw a boy and a girl kissing far away in the valley, but she didn't recognize them.

I just..I just wish I had someone on this special night. Someone who loves me and takes care of me. She thought. And she looked at the couple. It was then when Sadie found her.

There you were. I've been looking for you for fifteen minutes, you know? The DJ told me you went outside barefoot and never came back. She was standing behind Millie with her arms crossed.

Don't worry for me Sadie, just have fun. Don't let Caleb wait for you. I can take care of myself.

Don't be stupid, Mills. I'm your best friend. I wouldn't let you be depressed on your birthday. I  know it's hard. But you just saw it yourself..that he doesn't care enough. You deserve better.

Hey. What are you guys doing here?

They both turned around to see Noah coming outside. He moved near her and leaned on the railing next to the stairs. He gave her a napkin.

Mills. You should be laughing today. Not crying. People are asking questions you know? I did not know what to tell them.

Just..tell them my feet hurt, Noah. I don't care.


My feet hurt!! And she burst into tears again. She buried her face in her hands. She couldn't no more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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