|Villain meets Villain|

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3rd POV

After Randy moved into his new home, he started to think what's next for his ninja life. He decided to ask Howard to come over for some help.

"The sorcerer is gone now, so what am I supposed to do now?? Is McFist still a problem for me?? " Howard sighed " I don't know cunningham! How about you just relax and play a video game with me. I'm playing the newest game of Grave Puncher. Grave Puncher 6! " Howard said as he showed Randy the game box cover.

Randy didn't want to play a game. He just wanted  to know if McFist is still a problem for him to take care of. And if McFist is out of his problem, what is there that the ninja can do??

" I can't Howard! I need to know if I still need to get rid of McFist. And the only way for me to find out is tomorrow. It's monday tomorrow and McFist always loves to send his robots on the first day of the week. "

" Alright, do what you want. But, I'm playing this video game. And I'm on the hardest level! So be quiet!! " Randy nodded his head fast and left the living room to his room. He walked over to his ninja mask and looked at it.

He just hoped tomorrow would go well.

<Meanwhile at McFst's home>

McFist was still angry of how even though the sorcerer was free, he didn't give him what he wanted. Powers. He wanted to get rid of the ninja so many times, that he knew that the robots weren't enough. He needed something else to take the ninja done. So, when he met the sorcerer, he wanted to make a deal with the sorcerer to give him powers if he could set him free from his prison.

" What am I supposed to do now viceroy!? How am I supposed to get powers now if the sorcerer is gone!? " Viceroy was working on some new and bigger robots to try to kill the ninja. " I don't know sir. It's not my fault that he didn't give you the powers you wanted. Maybe if you were NICER you might have gotten them. "

McFist started to lose it, but tried to hold his anger in. " Viceroy.....I tried to......but, I'm not really a nice person if you didn't notice!? " Viceroy already knew this. His been McFist's robot inventor for so long, that his also been abused by him. He always yells at him of how it's his fault for not capturing the Ninja or that the robot was not strong enough. Sometimes he feels like crying, while other times he feels like hitting him and telling McFist that he wants to quit. But, he knows he can't. Because he knows he wouldn't be happy with it.

" I know that. You think I never noticed?? For all these years?? " Viceroy said looking at McFist with a mad face. " Of course I do. I'm just reminding you!! " Viceroy rolled his eyes and went back to work on the new robots.

McFist kept trying to think of a way to defeat the Ninja besides robots and his own kind of powers. But, nothing came to mind. " Maybe I need to mutant some animals. No, too dangerous. Viceroy might fuck it up. Maybe bring video game characters come to life to destroy the ninja. No, last time the ninja killed it with fire. Oh! Maybe- " But right before McFist could say anything else,  a weird looking Dimension portal came out of nowhere.

" What the juice is this?? " McFist said as he looks around the portal. While looking around it, a pink hooded lady walks out of it. " Finally!!! I'm free from that awful Dimension world!! "

The girls name was sorceress. The sorceress. She was one of the Ninja's enemies from the beginning too like the sorcerer. She was also the sorcerer's girlfriend many years ago. Until, she was banished by the Ninja during that time.

The sorceress turned to McFist and said " Why hello there. " McFist looked terrified as soon as he looked at the sorceress face. It looked just like the sorcerer's. " W-Who are you?? " The sorceress smiled at McFist and said " Name's Sorceress. The sorceress. And who may you be?? " " M-My names McFist. Wait.....aren't you the sorceress that was with the sorcerer?? " " Yes, I am. Or, used to be....wait. How do you know him?? " McFist than started to have an idea. If the sorcerer and the sorceress were the same, maybe he could get powers from the sorceress.

" Yeah, I worked for him. Until, he was set free. I helped him get out by trying to destroy the Ninja or- " " Wait! Did you say.....The Ninja?? I've been trying to get rid of him for a while now. " McFist smirked at this. " Really?? I've been trying to get rid of him too. But, my robots aren't strong enough to kill him. " The sorceress smiled at McFist and said " Well, maybe I can help you with that. But first, you have to do something for me. " McFist went on his knees and looked up at her. " Anything! I'll do anything! " " Good. I want you..... to find the Ninja's love interest. " McFist sat up and looked confused. " His....love interest?? Wait wait wait. So, you want me. To find. His love interest?? B-But, that's impossible. He can't. " " Oh, he does. I felt a spark of love in his heart from last time I fought him. So, I want you to find his love interest. "

" Alright fine, I'll help. But, only if you give me powers after I find out who the girl is. Now, do we have a deal lady?? " McFist stuck his hand to the sorceress for her to shack. The sorceress smirked at him. " Deal~ "

And with that, a Deal with Villain and Villain has started.

|Here's the first part!!! I'm starting to do some shipping stories since I always keep doing me with some character story. My next shipping story might be Soul X Maka or RobRae. (Robin X Raven) I think this chapter did well. I hope 😅 Next part comes soon!|

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