Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

     The castle was like a maze, one hallway would lead into an intersection of three others. Evander, however, briskly walked without much of a second thought. Growing up in the castle all his life was beneficial to him in finding his way around the majestic place he called home. The halls he wandered through were all empty. Nobody seemed to be around, though Evander did not seem skeptical at all. In fact, it was perfectly normal. The halls that the prince was scurrying around in were located in the lower levels of the castle that had been long since abandoned.

     Quickly, Evander turned a corner and passed through an open archway that led to a large terrace hanging from the great stone castle. The terrace housed many plants of various kind. All of which looked to be well cared for and brimming with rising life. Evander walked into the garden terrace, moving towards the stone guarded edge that overlooked the small kingdom below. When he came closer to his destination he noticed a figure. The figure was standing tall and steady with nothing but his shadow accompanying him. The tall man, robed in dark blue cloth, was simply gazing at the kingdom below from the terrace. He hadn't seemed to noticed Evander's presence.

     "Phestro," called out Evander to the man as he leaned over the edge beside him.

     The man quickly turned around in surprise and exhilaration at his guest's voice. While doing so, he pulled his dark blue hood off his head to observe the source that identified him by his name. His skin was pale, and the many wrinkles scattered in detail among his face gave proof that he had seen many seasons pass. His short hair was thinning, although it still retained some brown color that complemented the abundant white.

     Once the man realized who had spoken, he calmed his expression while he shook his head. "Boy?" he replied.

     "I apologize," Evander said, noticing how alerted the old man seemed. "I did not mean to sneak up on you. I only meant to say hi."

     Phestro laughed. "Oh yes, no worries, boy. I only forget that you choose to live in the lower, untouched parts of the castle."

     "Yes," the prince said, thinking for a while before continuing. "I suppose I enjoy the solitude."

     The idea of Evander enjoying solitude amused Phestro. His chuckle was interrupted by a fierce cough that took time to cease. "Solitude can be dangerous," he said grimly, regaining his bearings and looking out into the distant lands covered by thick fog.

     "If you are speaking of silly things such as inner castle bandits then please stop now. There is no such thing, the area I live in is still very far from being taken over by the citizens of our society."

     Phestro shook his head. "No, boy, I mean that seclusion can result in terrible things. I could care less about your idea of living close to the society your blood governs!"

     There was a moment of silence between the two that seemed to last a considerable amount of time. Evander began to ponder whether his idea of living on the lower section of the castle was even helping his image of connecting with the people of the land. He looked out at the city below, watching it bustle. The city appeared small, but if the residents were asked about size they would argue it was the largest place imaginable. The city looked small from a birds eye perspective, but perspectives can be deceiving. The city, forced to expand over time, had to build up towards the heavens in order to develop. The city had many layers and was very tall viewing it from the ground. Every time the city would expand up, the castle would follow; giving the older lower sections to the rich or lucky.

     The two stood together, looking at the city. Both left to their own thoughts. Finally, Phestro broke the silence. "You're like your father, you know."

     "That's what scares me. Don't people grow tired of a society ruled by similar views for an extensive amount of time?"

     "Nonsense, boy! The people loved your father's views and tactful solutions. He, very much like you, wished to help the community he oversaw!"

      Evander smiled, looking towards the sky as his hair blew in the gentle wind. "Yeah, he sure did," he said quietly.

     Once again, there was silence between the two. Evander leaned over the edge, looking nowhere in particular as he rubbed his hands as if trying to sooth himself. His head filled with memories of the past all at once.

     "Evander," Phestro said as he gently placed his hand on the young man's shoulder. "Look down there, at the city." He pointed over the edge, leaning forward a little. "You see that? You're looking down at something worth protecting. You're looking down at the society that you were always meant to rule. It's all yours, now."

     Evander looked, but he did not have any spark of meaningful emotion in his eyes. Instead, his eyes were filled with sorrow. "I'd rather look at my society on level ground, eye to eye, instead of looking down on it."

     "There you go with your equality ideals!" Phestro spat.

     "Just like my father," he said coldly.

     "But even your father knew what his predesigned place was, boy. Everyone has their place. They always have and always will."

     Evander moved away from the ledge and let out a heavy sigh. "Perhaps I will be the one to change all of that?"

     Nodding, with the faintest smile he could produce, "That, my boy, is what I am afraid of."

     Evander chuckled at the response Phestro gave.

     "It is time for me to attend to my daily duties," Phestro moaned. "Would you care to join me on my way to the upper part of the castle?"

    "Yes," Evander replied. "I'd be delighted."

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