
138 3 24

hI fOlKs

Amount of digits in your battery percentage:
1. Dead/lost/broken/quiet (bruh charge ya phone/tablet)
2. /Echo/wolf/lynx/red
3. Rose/petal/Pale/flower

First number of your battery percentage.
1. Spirit
2. Scar
3. Whisper
4. Thorn
5. Flight
6. Wish
7. Fang
8. Strike
9. Fire

Last letter of your battery percentage.
0. White fur
1. Brown
2. Orange Tabby
3. Silver
4. Black
5. Mackerel tabby
6. Silver tabby
7. Hairless
8. Calico
9. Bluish

Eye color:
How long it takes for your battery to charge fully.
A long time: green
Not long: blue
Depends: yellow
Both: heterochromia

If your percentage is even then your cat is a she cat, if it's odd then your cat is a tom.

I got echofire a mackerel tabby Tom cat with blue eyes.
whatcha get? ^^

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