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   Kirishima didn't get much news from Midoriya or Bakugou since the small celebration party, but he was so busy with the many questions coming in that he didn't have too much time to think about it. He honestly wasn't cheered up with all the questions coming, because it meant people still had problems, and a world without those would be his ideal world. Forget world peace, world peace wouldn't make everyone's life better. Having no problems would solve everything for everyone. Although he knows he has limited capability, and that solving all the world's saddening or angering problems isn't realistic for him to do alone, he still has hopes. 

   After publishing his second video for the week, he sighed rubbing his eyes. It wasn't even that late. He woke up at ten, and it was currently seven in the evening. He had no reason to want to nap, which is why he continued looking through his emails. He refreshed them after answering some reoccurring questions, then his eyes widened slightly at a new reply.

   "Isn't that..?" His mouth dropped open, and his eyebrows furrowed as he read the email. "Fuck," he muttered, taking a piece of paper, and a pen, immediately scribbling down on it.

   'Don't put this on a video,' was the first line, and Kirishima wasn't too surprised. He has received some emails with that detail, and he had no problem answering them. It's just, he never received a follow-up question that was more serious than the first question. If he could, he would prevent any follow-up questions. He just hoped he would never get a question like that. It made his heart ache for all the reasons anyone could come up with. He felt sympathy, he was disappointed in himself for being unable to answer, and the pain of having to answering again is just something that shouldn't have to be experienced.

   'I tried the last answer, and I thought it had worked up well. It had a small gather up with my two parents and my friends, and the whole day was perfectly fine. Most of them stayed over because they lived far, so it was like a sleepover in all different rooms. The morning was the worst though. My father fainted as we were getting breakfast, and my mother was too shocked to do anything after she caught him before he fell. We got in a fight, and he woke up in a middle of it. My mom left, and she hasn't been responding to any of my, my father's, my friend's texts, and my father has been refusing to talk to me. Our relationships are too fucking fragile, and I don't fucking know what to do.'

   Kirishima sighed, knowing that he can't answer the same as last time. Obviously it worked for the short-term, but in the long-term, it clearly failed. Tapping his pen against his paper, he thought of a few ideas. 'Maybe he shouldn't just have him and his mom in the mess...' he thought, immediately cringing at the thoughts some people might have. 'If his father has some friends to talk with, they could cheer him up enough to talk to his son, and after that they can have the mom come back...? Seems like something realistic,' he nodded to himself, briefly writing down his ideas. 'While his father is with his friends, the son could try and fix things between the mom and him, like visit her or something...'

   Setting up his camera, knowing that it works from his previous works of the day, and immediately went into it, not bothering to practice a little bit. He hated being so in control of someone's life at that point, but he had to answer. Leaving someone in that situation would make him feel guilty for the rest of his life. Maybe not to that extent, but Kirishima doesn't want to explore that.

   "Hey, sorry, I didn't answer you with text," he started smoothly, chuckling lightly. "I'm sorry to hear that I wasn't that much help in the end, and I hope your father is alright. Also, I think that worrying about your mother is a bit unnecessary for now. I suggest letting her get to her own thoughts, and focus on getting your father to talk to you again, since it seems like you two were once very close. I can't stand knowing that distance is growing between you two," he sighed, letting a small smile as if to reassure whoever is going to be watching this video. "I was thinking that maybe you should imagine yourself in his shoes. I thought about it a little bit, and from what you've told me, things aren't very social for him," he chuckled. "Maybe he sees friends once in a while, but maybe he doesn't. I would feel very lonely if I only spent time with an unstable family after being let out of the hospital or not, even if I love that family a lot. I think that friends are important, and everyone has friends, so whoever they are, if they can, they should try to see him. He would probably be more willing to talk to them, because maybe he hasn't talked to them for a long while."

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