Time and fallen leaves

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I walk down this chocolate leaf covered path as the rest of them continue to fall from the trees above my head, I admire the scenery that the autumn season gives, It's nice and peaceful, and good for calming down. I take a deep breath as I sit down on one of the benches in the park, messing up my orange coloured hair in the process. Out of frustration, I piled a bunch of leaves that were already on the ground with my feet and kick them, only watching them fall back on the ground and chuckling at my weird way of stress relieving. I'm actually here because I just got into a fight with my band, We're called Scandal and we're supposed to do a live concert today.

I dont know why, I just fumed during rehearsal. Maybe it's just because of stress or something. Haruna, our band leader tried to calm me down along with Rina, our drummer and my girlfriend, Tomomi who's the bassist of our band. I realized that I was not myself that time, I shouted at Tomomi and shoved Rina and Haruna away. I heard sobbing sounds when I walked out and I knew that it was Tomomi, It breaks my heart and makes me feel guilty just hurting her. I did walk back inside for a moment but instead of comforting her, I told her how she has been distant with me, and the look she gave me made me wished I haven't said that. I hit myself on the head a few times, telling myself how stupid I am.

"stupid Mami, What's going on with you?" I say to myself as I leaned my head back closing my eyes recalling the memories of me and my band together. I remember Haruna being overprotective and always trying to look out for us.

~After the party, we were all supposed to meet outside to proceed to the after party. I was a bit late and they all walked ahead of me, Haruna was in front of them and I saw Rina pulling Tomomi to hurry up, she was glancing everywhere maybe trying to look for me. When she looked behind I smiled and motioned her to wait outside. When I stepped out of the building, I heard Haruna's voice. She was the only one outside the closed van. She was walking back and forth and looked worried, I hid behind the decoration tree to spy on her for a little fun.

"Mami, Mami!" she called out my name but she didn't see me "oh Mami where the hell are you!?" she said, more frustrated. Its not surprising that Tomomi didnt tell Haruna, she was probably already asleep in the van. "Mami!" I heard Haruna's voice again and decided to show up. When she saw me with a smile on my face, she looked relieved but then hit me on the head.

"Hey what was that for?!"

"For making me worried now lets go!" she said and turned her back towards me, I just shook my head with a chuckle and followed her.~

I smiled at Haruna's overprotectiveness, it was adorable yet scary. Its adorable because a midget getting mad is hella cute. I then started chuckling to myself again when another memory came to me. I remember the time when Rina was trying to hug me and getting all clingy with me when Tomomi was around.

~"Aw c'mon,Mami! It's not everyday we get to mess Tomomi together!" Rina Whined at me, She wanted to pull a prank on Tomomi. We used to do that all the time before Me and Tomomi became official. Rina wanted to make Tomomi jealous and I thought it was a bad idea.

"I don't know Rina, Timo might get mad at you." I said to her.

"please it'll only be for a short while!" She said. Tomomi came inside the room and Rina took the chance to wrap her arms around me, I didn't do anything so we ended up in an awkward position. One of the staff took a picture with us and they laughed together. Rina was still hugging me, I looked at Tomomi, she had a blank look on her face. She stared at Rina and then at me, Then her expression changed. I swear I saw smoke coming out of her ears.

"MAMI!" She shouted my name with her high pitched voice and I got just a little annoyed, normally I wouldn't because everytime she shouts my name, it's not in situations like this.

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