Shoot... its photo day

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My heads spinning, I feel like vomiting all my insides out. Nothing seems to be staying still. I feel like shit while I lay on an uncomfortable couch with last night's clothes and makeup still on. I can barely feel my aching body as I try to push myself up to view all the dead-like bodies plastered on the floor, but I cave and hit my head back on the coach. I could feel now my breathing coming uneasy, I tried to take in deeper breaths to calm down, but it was difficult considering how terrible I felt. I begin to stretch my legs out and debate whether or not to have a shower or keep sleeping. But I decide shower since everyone is still asleep, for now. I check the time and it's only 7:30 so i made the most painful decision to get up and have a shower before someone else wakes up and steals it. So, I attempt again to sit back up until I felt warm pair of arms pull me back down. I was confused on what was happening since I had no idea where the arms were coming from. The arms than wrapped my torso and the head attached to the arms started snuggling into the back of my neck.
"Don't leave me" he whispered, and I felt the hairs on my back lift up with recognition of who the voice belonged to.
Lennox Venture. The sexy as fuck sport prodigy of the school whom all the girls would swoon over but he would never, ever pay attention to. But, now his arms were wrapped around me.
A month ago I would never of picture this scene to happen, but it was and I liked it, which I shouldn't of liked. Although my heart said otherwise as it was beating so fast that I'm surprised I didn't have a stroke. His grip than tightens around my waist and his head nuzzle in my neck, yet again.
Thought my head was throbbing with trembling pain my mind barely starts putting all the puzzle together from last night, and even the last few weeks. How the fuck did I end up here? I looked down at Lennox and his sleepy face, and think for a second how cute he looked while sleeping, and how happy I felt in his arms. But than the memories from yesterday occurred in my head and I remember the reason why I was here, I felt my heart sink but also feel sour. I slowly escape out of his grasp and go to the shower.

4 weeks before.

It was 6am and I was out running with my dad, he was a sporty guy, very fit but running was my only forte, the only reason I actually managed to make it into my own dads school and I was well ahead of him. He hates it when I don't jog next to him but I wanted to get home quickly to get changed and put a bit of makeup on as it was photo day, I explained this to him and he wasn't happy but he understood. So I sprinted, my legs used to arch at the speed I was going but now it was easy, it was light and soothing, and a little bit annoying as my heart wasn't in it but I was good. I saw my house which was a street away from my dads sports boarding school. I run around the side and jump the gate and head to the unlocked back door. Dad lost the front door keys awhile ago so we have been using this as our entry of the house, which is pretty inconvenient. I run into my room that pretty much faced the back door. I jump onto my queen size bed and let out a big breath of air I was holding in. I looked around my rear bedroom, with all my fake and live plant plastered around everywhere that I'm nearly struggling to keep them all alive. I than take off my clothes and walked into the shower. Since my older twin brother and sister moved out and both go to university for heath science, they also on the side do their sports for different leagues which they're accessing in greatly I got the master bedroom with a walk in wardrobe and its own bathroom as dad didn't see the point in having. Big bedroom when all he really had was a few pairs of clothes and a bed, no excessive amount of decorations and clothes like I do. I turn on the shower too cold to wash off all the sweet, I was in then out and dried my body quickly, straightened my muddy brown curly knotty hair till it hit the top of my tail bone. I hated my curls, I got them from my mum, which I mean I'm glad I got something from her but out of everything I got her curly matted hair, not her womanly body and shortness like my sister, I got dads lanky tallness with mum's curly afros like hair. I than place don the straightener, touched on a little mascara, drew on bit of my eyebrow and put on a touch of lip gloss and headed to my wardrobe to change, I placed on my pre-loved denim jeans with random retro looking clothes sown in the pockets and on the legs, with my black thick singlet strap tank top. It was spring, so it wasn't cold enough for a jacket but just cold enough for some jeans. I than placed on my black high-top shoes and left was about to leave to walk to school before dad makes me walk with him when I spot the piano in the corner of the room. I fell into temptation. I sat myself down lightly and started to play a few notes when I heard dads' heavy feet thump into the house. I bolted my fingers from the keys and sat up quickly to turn off the piano and grab my bag to greet father. I walked out of my room and turn off the light behind me. That was a close one. Dad was not happy when he saw that I brought a piano with my savings, he doesn't understand music, he only understands sports and only wants to see us understand sport while my room is the opposite of that, with broken vinyl's plastered on my wall, same with old bands posters and musical instruments placed on shelves. He tried to avoid going in there, I just didn't understand why he hated music so much. I than left my room switching the lights off behind me. I saw dad in the kitchen pouring two balls of cereal, with most likely fruit and soy milk with it. He glanced up and grinned at me, his morning jogs always get him out of his foul moods. He slid the bowl to my seat on the neck and I slid myself into the chair heavily. I smile at dad and start gulping down the cereal. I was hungry. I than rinse my bowl and put it in the dishwasher and wave dad off. He frowned at me and tried to hold me back, so I could walk with him to school but I refused. No way am I walking into school with a principle of a dad, plus I wanted to listen to music whilst I walk, and I couldn't do that if dad was with me. I than picked up my bad filled my books and laptop. I than run out the back door and jump over the fence and start walking the path to school. It wasn't a far walk, it was about 10-15 minutes so I just cruise along and press play on my playlist and off the bat the song ill still have me by Cyn started to play. I started to hum along to the song, knowing perfectly well no-one would hear me as no-one ever walked along this path. I soon see the school sign 'Hercules sports boarding school". I honestly hated the name, but dad was obsessed with the Greek gods so that's how it came about. I than walked into the school grounds, it was still pretty early, even the people that lived in the school are all still in their room, well most. I open up the school door and walk inside to my locker, which was pretty close to the entrance as it was easier to leave school quicker and was super close to the forgotten music rooms, to be fair I don't even know why we have a music room when dad hates music so much, must of been requested a lot before my generation. I open my tiny lock and throw my bag inside. i than go to close my locker to when I hear a cute familiar voice. I turn around and see a short, golden honey hair girl smiling brightly at me.
'HONEY!" I squealed as I wrapped my arms around her. Honey was my best friend, and yes, we are nearly completely different people in all aspect we work. She short, I'm tall, she kind and has many friends, while I'm upfront and have hardly any. Honey over the last few years has become very well-known and hangs out with many groups, but she always makes time to hang out with me, we even work together at the same winery, while I'm not very well known, people don't even know I'm related to my dad and I keep a very low profile. But we work.
'Hey Bell " she wraps her arms around me to and I could smell her honey lemon shampoo scent in her hair. We finally let go of our daily embrace, I than shut my locker and she open hers. Which with my dad's help and my persuasion she is placed right next to me? On the top locker as well. She opens her locker which is super organized and colour coded, unlike mine. But to people surprised, they wouldn't know by just looking at our lockers that im the one with the super clean room and she's the one with the super messy room. She than locks her locker and we face each other gleaming,
"music rooms?" she cheers, and I smile back desperately. We both have walk gave sprint to the music rooms that wasn't even that far away. We than took a sharp turn left, we open the doors and she ran to the guitar and I to the piano. Honey wasn't the best at when it came to music but over the last year I've been teaching her how to play the guitar and she's been truly dedicated to learning it. It took a little longer than what we expected but I am a terrible teacher.
'well don't you look extra pretty today" honey exclaims as she puts the guitar strap around her shoulders.
'well thanks, but I didn't want to look like a dying mole rat for my photo this year. It is our last after all" I giggled and honey all of a sudden looked tense.
"Shoot! It's photo day!" Honey yelped and  at that moment I knew honey forgot, and why am I surprise she has a memory of a goldfish.
"HOW COULD YOU FORGET" I threw my hands up into the air in annoyance as I literally reminded her three times yesterday. Honey than looked up at me with sad pleading eyes as if she trying to help me solve a solution that's unsolvable.
"well at least you are naturally pretty, you could pull of the natural look this year!" I tried to say something positive, but it honestly came out forced and honey just eyes me.
"no way it's our last year... and I don't look good natural." honey whispered the last part to the point I could hardly hear here, I raised my eyebrow at her wit concern but soon she shacked off my concern by giving me a bright smile.
"so, what should we do?" I hummed and started playing keys on the piano to help me think. I felt honey walk to my side and place her hand on my shoulder. When I spotted the bracelet on her wrist that signifies that she lives in the boarding school's dorm rooms. I than turn around in excitement and grab her wrist, she flinched for a second as if she was trying to pull away but with all the excitement I ignored it and held a stringer grip around the arm band.
"Honey! We could go back to your dorm!" I exclaimed, he eyes glistened at mine for a second and then went gloomy.
'but you can't go back into your dorm during school hours once you've left, im an idiot" she wined but I brushed off her wining as I start executing a plan.
"what if we climb up the window!" I suggested, and her sulking stop, and she looked at me with shock.
"do you want me to die?" I than nodded to that statement and she than pulled her had out of my grasp and used it to hit me on the head.
"ouch, okay do you have any better ideas?" honey than put her hand on her chin as if she was trying to come up with a master plan, and then she actually did, she flang her hands up in the air with excitement and started to talking absolute gibberish as she explains her plan, to where I did not understand a single word and had to make her slow down. Honey than took a deep breath and exhaled.
"what if we go to the security and I just tell him I have my ladies and it leaked threw and I need new underpants and you are there to assist me, because you knew girls always travel in a pair of two. They will understand" she than left out a deep breath of air that even though she spoke slowly she obviously forgot to breath. I stared at her for a moment. I tried to process her brave plan, I could not go up ti a male security guard and tell him all that, but I guess she is desperate.
"okay let's do this" I sighed with fear and honey jumped up into the air, she than turned around and skipped out the door. I followed, but I couldn't restrain myself for pointing out an obvious behaviour that honey is betraying.
"honey you know if you were actually on your period you wouldn't be jumping out the door that jolly" I shouted and grinned at myself. She then stopped skipping and started exaggeratingly dragging her body across the lockers acting as if she has a very terrible case of the flu, I rolled my eyes and picked her sluggish body up, she continued to groan and weep dramatically.

                                                                      ☺  ☺  ☺
Honey finally stopped being over dramatic as soon as she saw the security in front of the boarding school doors. Her face turned serious and she grabbed my arm and started to act nervous as we walked towards the doors. Honestly she could be an actress but her love for horses and her excellent horse racing skills is the reason she's in this school and one day she will win medals and after that she plans to open up her own winery, but she doesn't like thinking about the future that much. Before I knew it, we were in front of the doors and facing a bulky (kind of hot) security man who looked about 27 years old. The security guy looked at us suspiciously and quickly corrected his posture, so he looked more dominate and in power, but with his gorgeous looks I kind of liked it. Honey than let go of my arm and slowly walked closer to the security guy. His voice than escaped clear and sweet.
"what are you young ladies doing here, school about to start in 20 minutes." He looked us up and down like we were some type of puzzle, then Honey went on her tip toes and whispered they magical words shyly in his ears. We watch his face turn a light shade of pink. I expect they guy to stutter to let us in but he quickly fixes his composer and let out a loud 'ahem' and nodded for us to enter the doors. We both walk in sluggishly secretly giggling to ourselves and as soon as he was out of our sight we cracked up laughing and ran to the second level to honey dorm room.
Number 234 was honeys room and it was the easiest number to remember we than open her room to fund two single beds, one with a pink and purple marble cover that was neatly bad and one with a velvet aqua colour cover that wasn't made with clothes chucked on the bed. I walk to the messy side of the room and watch her claw threw her side of the room cupboard to pull out some new clothes?
"I thought we were just going to do your makeup?" I asked with confusing and she just shrugged me off.
"this outfit is boring" she murmured as she was clearly concentrating on an outfit. And as per usual once she figured it out she jumped out of her spot with glee and ran into the bathroom to change. I giggle at her actions to myself as I begin to clean her room. I chuck all her clothes off her bed and make it just as neatly as her dorm mate. I than fold all her clothes and placed them in her cupboard and when I was about to go to her desk to clean up her... everything she stumbled out looking like a goddess. She had somehow quickly waved her hair and chucked half up in two space buns, she placed a nice amount of makeup on that she looked natural, and she had extra highlighter on. She than swirled out of her bathroom to reveal her light grey and black skater girl skirt with her white cropped long sleeve and wearing her white trendy low top shoes. She was glowing and unfairly look way prettier than me, well she always does but now she looks like she's on a totally different league which she is when it comes to school hierarchy but now you can totally see it.
"wow you look like a goddess!" I exclaimed with my jaw to the floor, I could she her slightly blush at my comment.
"why thank you, but that's you just being nice, and thanks for cleaning my room, wow can you come every day to clean it" she hummed, i laughed and rolled my eyes as I thought she was just joking around but for a second, I swear for a second, I saw sadness in her eyes but it was quickly replaced with laughter.
"okay goose lets go and start this horrible photo day, as we are already late for homeroom" I take her hand and leave her now super clean room to awkwardly walk pass the security guard who did not look happy with us one bit.

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