Ninjago According to Nya

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Season 1- Nya whoops the boy's asses in everything
Season 2- Nya starts using darker makeup
Season 3- Nya gets Tinder
Season 4- Nya starts using lighter makeup
Season 5- Nya gets hydrated
Season 6- Everyone under appreciates Nya except for two weird guys
Season 7- Nya has a dysfunctional family
Season 8- Nya is the only ninja who is qualified to be in a relationship
Season 9- Why isn't Nya leading the resistance?
Season 10- She said yes!( Not Clickbait)😱💍 👰
Season 11- Nya caries the weight of the whole team (Literally)

Btw, I can't respond to any messages because of my email, so sorry if you don't get a response to a question you have

Ninjago HeadcannonsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora