Chapter 3

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Sadie's POV
I swung my blade and felt it cut deep it one of the socs arms. I looked up and saw the blonde soc on the ground covered in blood. The other socs were trying to help him, but I knew the cops would come so I had to get outta there. I hesitated on grabbing Dally because I knew he would slow me down. That thought went away quickly when I realized I couldn't just leave him to take the blame for something I did, so I scooped him up and started to run to the Curtis house as fast as possible. I heard him start to become conscious and mumble a few curse words before trying to walk a little. "Thanks Sadie, you really saved my ass and kicked there's!" He said and we both chuckled. "I would've left ya but I just couldn't, you know Dally you're not half as bad as people make you seem" I smiled and said as we arrived at the Curtis house.
Dally's POV
As we entered the house it was empty, as expected because everyone was at work, school, or just messin' around. I sat on the couch as Sadie went to go find a first aid kit. "They got you good Dally, You went out cold for a few and I was worried" she said entering the room with the first aid in her hand. She pulled off my shirt and started to clean the few cuts I got from that dirty soc with rings. "Should we call someone, like Darry or Soda?" She asked while cleaning the cut on my face. "Nah, we'll tell em later" I said and saw that she was hit pretty bad. "Your face is bleedin Sadie. We need to get that cleaned up or it'll get infected" I said as she touched her face realizing that she was bleeding. "I'm fine, but we won't be when those socs tell the cops that it was us. I can't get sent to the cooler" she said sitting next to me. "I don't know this town, you got anywhere we can lay low?"
"Yea, but we gotta go now" I said and got off the couch and offered her my hand. She tried to get herself up and failed. She groaned as she lifted her shirt revealing a huge bruise probably from a few cracked ribs. "Give me a minute and pass me some ice would ya?" She said as she lifted herself of the couch and headed to my truck. I grabbed her some ice and we got in my truck and headed to my "house". It was my friend Buck's place he let me crash at but I needed to get a few things before we headed to an old church, one of my old buddies told me about.
Sadie's POV
We were driving as I iced my broken ribs. I was to worried to focus on the pain. If I got arrested I could be traced back to Don and I can't go to jail over his lazy ass. I thought about what my future was going to look like because I couldn't stay with the Curtis's forever. Dally musta noticed how stressed I was because he put his hand on my shoulder.
I was kinda surprised but I went along with it and placed my hand on his. I knew we were supposed to be two tough hoods who didn't have emotions and could beat anyone any second, but I knew we had a connection. My thought was interrupted when the truck came to a stop. "Come on Sadie. I gotta make a stop to grab somethings" Dally said walking into the building I assumed was a bar. I walked in and saw Dally talkin' to a man. I walked over and Dally introduced me. "This is Sadie, we just got into some trouble and we need ta get outta town. If Darry calls ya tell 'em we're safe." I followed him as he walked up the stair and into a room. "This is my room. I gotta change so turn around or don't." He said with a smirk and winked at me as I turned around.
He rustled through his drawers and got dressed. I turned around but he was still shirtless. It didn't bother me much, I used to have a boyfriend in New York. I think I mighta been in love, but his dirtbag self cheated on me with some slut from a club. I didn't let either of them slide though. I gave him a broken nose and black eye. And for the tramp a cracked rib, black eye and fat lip. I was brought back from my thought when Dally shook me, "you ok?"
"I'm fine but we gotta go now" I said with a stern tone. "Calm down, Doll. We'll leave when I'm ready" He said sternly and annoyed as he pulled his shirt over his head. I smacked him in the face, "you can put up that whole tough guy act, but at the end of the day I will never be scared of you so don't come at me like that or you'll regret it." I stormed outta the room and went downstairs to get a drink. "Hi I'm Buck" the guy Dally was talkin' to before said. "Sadie. Just Sadie."
"You want anything to drink?" Buck asked as he got out a glass. " Yea, could I have a beer."
"Sure Doll. Now what's up with you and Dal?" He asked but before I could say anything Dal walked down the stairs and headed out the door. "Bye Buck. Thanks for the drink" I say as I follow Dally out the door. I jump into him truck and he pulls out as soon as I'm buckled. "Chill, Dal. I still got some cracked ribs" I say with a chuckle but then I look at him and he looks angry so I shut my mouth.
Dally's POV
I was pissed. No one has ever talked to me like that and not ended up in the hospital. But, I would never beat on a lady. The car ride was silent besides the radio lightly playing a song.
We drove for 30 more minutes, until I parked and we had to walk the rest of the way. As we walked I could tell Sadie was in pain and so was I. When we reached the church I broke some board and entered. It looked pretty decent for an old church. Now we had to get food, "Sadie I'm going to get food I'll be back" I said and walked right down to my truck. I drove to the nearest grocery store. I got peanut butter, jelly, bread, cigarettes, and cards for if we got bored. But, I took my time because I was so mad. As I was driving I saw people getting home from work.

When I got back to the church I walked in and saw Sadie pacing and breathing pretty heavy, but then she noticed me. "What the hell, Dally? I though something mighta happened!" She yelled and walked towards me. "I'm fine, there was just a long line at the store and besides what'd you care if something happened to me?" I asked and moved closer to her. We were now inches apart.
"Because...I I-..." She paused for a moment, I guess tryna figure out what she was going to say.
"Because I care about you Dal! I care about you alright! When I saw you get knocked out, I was ready to kill all those socs..." I stopped her as I pushed my lips into hers. We kissed for what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes. When we finally stopped I smirked at her. "Shit" She said and that kinda stung. "I mean it was good but if I wanna stay with the boys we need a pause whatever that was" she said with a guilty or ashamed look on her face. I sat down, "Yea, ok I guess you're right." I stayed and went outside to finish my smoke.
Sadie's POV
I just kissed Dallas Winston but all I could think about was the gang. I knew if something happened between me and Dally and it didn't work it would ruin everything. I started to do my daily workout on the floor, which consisted of 30 push-ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges and more. I gotta workout to stay strong and be able to kick more ass. Except today I skipped the sit-ups. I was in the middle of push-ups, when Dally walked in. "Whaddya doing there, Sadie?" He said confused.
"Some of us don't have naturally fit bodies and have to work to become stronger." I say as I stand up and look at Dally. "You wanna play cards?" I asked hoping He would say yes because I was bored and didn't feel like talking to him. "Sure, but be prepared to lose" He said with a smirk.
Later that night
All night we've been smokin and playing cards. But that only lasted for so long so now I'm trying to go to sleep. "Hey Dal?" I said not knowing where he was. "Yea Sadie."
"When do you think we can go back?"
"I don't know. Maybe a few days. Why?"
"Well I don't mind the church, but I haven't seen much of the town and I don't want to spend the rest of my days hiding."
"How about as soon as we're back in town I'll take you to the drive-in and we can walk around town until you've seen everything?"
"That sound great" I say with a yawn and within minutes I'm asleep.

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