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So I go and find the maiden statue while Claire does the rest cause I'm lazy.

I find that we need to detonate this wall so more work where would I goooo Chris has stuff in his office right??

STARS OFFICE aka my favourite room HERE I COME
so I get to the stars office and find a note from Chris I read jeez he can't be related to me anyway I find a battery and then I find a detonator cool

I blew it up Funnnn not I get the medallion and go back to the main hall to find Claire already there seriously.

"Cecilia what took you so long" Claire asked

"Shut up I had a hard time" I say

Marvin interrupts us saying how he can't go

"Why we will get you help" I say
He tells us to go hate to say it but he's right we can't just wait for him to turn

So we go down the passage and find an office we took a right turn and found an elevator so we go in it and find like drain pipes sort of things and see a shadow from above and a sort of voice it sounded like a little girl

We find a shelf has collapsed and Claire try's to lift it and we see a little girl I turn around and see a monster thing

"C...CLAIRE" I yell

"What the fuck" she reply's

Um hi I know this is different from the game but I'm trying sorry if it is shit it isn't descriptive enough I'm seriously at trying

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