Chapter Eight: Ignus Cattus, Nature Wasn't Kind To You...

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Jayden was bleeding. The wound didn't seem to be deep, thank goodness, but it was bleeding profusely. The golden blood dripped from the cuts, soaking his jacket sleeve with gold. If Jayden noticed the blood, he didn't show it. Ignoring the fact that he got hurt, he quickly jumped back into the fight, jabbing and swinging his sword at the Ignus Cattus.

By this point, Jasmine was back on her feet. Her hair was slightly tousled, stray pieces of silver hair flew out of her ponytail. Her eyes were slightly darker in the heat of battle. Not wasting a second, she followed her brother into battle, pulling out her backup dagger, not showing a tiny bit of strain or tiredness.

I was impressed for lack of a better word. I've only ever seen people fight like this in movies and even then it wasn't like this. This was incredible. The kind of skill only expert fighters would be able to pull off.

Jayden managed to slice a gash into the monster's flank, black goo splashes onto the concrete road. Ew., I thought. While the monster was distracted by her brother, Jasmine quickly stuck the monster in the neck with her knife. It had the same effect as her brother's weapon but the Ignus Cattus stayed on its feet. The only reaction it gave to the wounds was to growl louder and spit out more fire.

The heat from the fire caused both siblings to jump back away from the monster to keep from being burnt to a crisp. The monster continued his burning assault on the twins, pushing them further backward, slowing getting closer to me.

They were stuck. Because of the flames, they couldn't get closer to the Ignus Cattus. And this monster didn't seem at all bothered by the heat so it inched ever closer, preparing to kill. I had to do something. I know I just met these two recently but they were the only ones that could help me figure out my past and possibly my future. Jayden was slightly annoying but he saved me from the hellhound so I kind of owed him. And Jasmine had been so kind to me even though they didn't know each other.

I couldn't just let the Ignus Cattus kill them and I won't. I felt an adrenaline rush course through my veins. As if my arms had a mind of their own, I pulled out my silver bow, knocking an arrow on the string like I did hundreds of times at summer camp.

I closed an eye, aiming at the target.

Twang! That was the sound of the bow as I released the arrow. It flew straight and true, heading directly for what I am aiming for ...Thunk! The arrow made contact. In mid roar, I had sent an arrow flying straight into the Ignus Cattus's mouth. The monster screeched in agony as black blood issued from his mouth sending drops onto the ground, where it sizzled on contact.

The monster's whole body seemed as if it was melting. Fur, skin, and bones turning into black sludge right before my eyes. In seconds, what was left of the Ignus Cattus was a puddle of black ooze that looked kind of like tar except it bubbled and steamed. Also, it reeked. It smelled worse than a manure pile. I could feel my adrenaline rush leaving my body to be replaced with exhaustion. It was like that feeling you get after a sugar rush.

Where every ounce of energy in the body leaves all at once.

I finally pulled my eyes away from the gross site of monster remains to notice Jasmine and Jayden. They were staring at me with wide eyes, mouths slightly opened in surprise. And if it wasn't for the fact that I felt like my body was going to collapse at any moment, I probably would have laughed. Jayden finally spoke up first.

" That. Was ...Awesome!" He said, smiling from ear to ear, a glint in his eyes. Jasmine nodded her head in agreement, over her moment of shock" Exactly. For someone with no training, that was pretty impressive. I don't even think Jayden could have made that shot." Jayden gave his sister a look," Well, let's not get crazy. I'm pretty skilled with a bow myself. But she's right, that was a good shot."

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