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~ Part 5; Be warned - EXTREMELY CHEESY & GORY CHAPTER!!! ~

Tugging his lab coat off Rick tossed it onto a kitchen chair, going up to his room he grabbed a dark blue jacket, pulling it on he pushed his hair back. Buttoning the bottom four buttons he walked back downstairs. He wants to look nice when he meets the Devil. It seemed funny that the Devil would beat up Morty enough to nearly kill him, 'to think that pussy could hurt Morty. I swear on my life, that bastard will pay'. Heading out to the ship, he turned it on and debated about getting Summer. As much as she wants revenge, he needs this. He wants to harm the Devil himself, he wants to see him suffer. The thought made him chuckle darkly. Putting his hand on the bridge of his nose, he struggled to contain his "dark side". Gripping the wheel, his hands quivered with rage, his body shook so forcefully that he gripped the steering wheel hard enough that his knuckles turned white. Oh, he was going to enjoy this so fucking much. Driving out of the garage he called Summer:
"Where is he?"
"Grandpa Rick I'm not dumb. Come get me." Rick held his breath; his hands continued to shake on the wheel, and he blinked a few times while pushing forward.
"Summer," he said in a dark tone, "Don't fucking play with me. Tell me where the fuck he is." The silence on the end of the line didn't bother Rick. He just waited. "The more time we kill, the more time he has to run his pansy ass away. Is that what you want? Huh? is it, Summer?" He wanted to laugh so badly, he wanted to joke about this serious situation. He had to grip the wheel even tighter to prevent any form of humor from escaping past his lips. After a few minutes of silence Summer spoke in defeat.
"He'll be in a building at [insert address] his new company is n33dful.com. He'll most likely be working there, considering it's a weekday it's possible that it'll be easier to find him." Rick sighed, hanging up the phone he drove forward. He could feel himself become excited, not physically, but mentally. How he wanted so badly to beat this fucker up. Yeah, him and Summer had beaten him with pure strength last time, but this time Rick has other plans.


Parking his spaceship, Rick got out and walked towards his destination. He watched as some people looked at him, noting the business jacket before looking away and leaving him be. Upon entering the building, Rick noticed how white the walls were in contrast to the furniture, which was a dark black and navy blue. Heading to the main desk, Rick looked at a young woman with blonde hair and bright green eyes, who was currently typing erratically on a computer. She looked up at Rick briefly before she looked back down to type some more.
"Mr. Lucius is on the fifth floor. Take the elevator to him." She directed the scientist, not knowing his true intentions.
Rick headed to the elevator, waiting for it to come up. He put one hand into his pocket, touching a small syringe that he'd placed there earlier in preparation for the upcoming fight. When the elevator opened, he walked in, and two buff men followed close after him. Keeping his head forward, Rick glanced side to side. A smirk was now threatening to spread across his face, but he held back for the sake of keeping the upper hand. When the elevator doors closed, Rick gave in and allowed the grin to finally break free. When one of the men tried to punch him, Rick grabbed his wrist, pulling it down. He swiftly brought his knee up, smashing it into the dude's arm. Hearing a satisfying snap, Rick quickly kicked the other male's knee, which earned him a loud cry of pain. After punching him in the face, Rick was bashed roughly by the guard's unbroken arm. Careening towards the back of the elevator with a grunt, Rick ducked to avoid another swing. Shifting behind the other, Rick pulled out a switch knife, stabbing it into the other's side; he quickly pulled it out, stabbing the second guard under the chin in turn. After removing it, he watched as the guard gurgled and choked on his own blood, falling back against the side of the elevator.

          "I don't usually kill men like you, 'cuz you're not worth my time. Neither of you are." Looking away from the guard he'd stabbed in the chin, he watched the other guard cower in the corner of the elevator, having clearly soiled his pants from fear. "Pathetic." Rick mumbled, closing the knife and putting it back into his pocket. Fixing his coat, he mumbled under his breath, "I also don't dress up often, but... today is a special day." Smiling, a dark look crossed his eyes as the elevator stopped on the fifth and final floor. Walking out from the bloodstained elevator, Rick kept a small smile on his face. Walking through the door, without knocking, Rick pulled a small gun from his back pocket. Looking at the shot count, he listened to multiple footsteps as they headed towards him. Now smiling madly, he pressed a button and fired like wild.


A small clap came behind Rick, now soaked in blood he turned around and smiled at the Devil.
"It's been a while, Rick Sanchez. I didn't think you'd arrive so soon..."
Rick shrugged in reply. Laughing quietly, he looked around at his handywork. Blood and gore soaked the room gruesomely, the white furniture now a deep crimson hue. Looking at Lucius, Rick smiled and tossed the gun aside. Pulling out his pocket knife, he also tossed it onto the floor a little ways from them.
"I have no weapons, Mr. Needful." He held his hands out waiting for Lucius to take a good look and make sure he wasn't carrying any other weapons.
"I'm not stupid, Mr. Sanchez." He snidely responded. Rick's smile faltered a moment. Staring at one another in silence, neither one of them moved. They waited only a moment more before Lucius rushed forward, trying to punch Rick. He dodged it effortlessly, sliding to the side as he punched Lucius in the gut, sending him flying back onto the ground. Lucius was coughing violently, out of breath and wheezing, but Rick couldn't fucking care less.
Being the relentless man he was, Rick rushed to him, kicking him in the family jewels before smashing his foot into Lucius's face. Lucius quickly retaliated by grabbing Rick's foot, knocking him onto the ground with a rough slam. Rick tried to get up, but was quickly toppled over by Lucius, who straddled him and began to punch Rick over and over again. Holding his arm out, he kneed Lucius in the crotch before kicking him off. Getting up, he grabbed the back of Lucius's shirt, pulling him up he tossed Lucius against a wall, leaving a dent in the spot that he'd collided into. Laughing, Rick rushed over to Lucius, who rolled on the ground, groaning loudly in pain.

          "You're not a good fighter, are you?" Rick inquired with a chuckle, making it over to Lucius who also chuckled.
"You fight well, but stupidly." Rolling over, Lucius flung Rick's knife at him, landing a direct hit in his shoulder. Letting out a grunt, Rick touched the blade's handle, and Lucius used this momentary distraction to get up and attack the other, knocking him down to the ground. Yanking the knife out of Rick's shoulder, which forced said man to stifle a yell, Lucius went to stab the scientist. Rick gripped tightly onto the other male's hand, and they fought with the knife. Rick maintained a death grip, preventing Lucius from stabbing him.
Smiling, Rick laughed aloud, which confused Lucius. Rick used that moment to his advantage by wrenching the knife from his grip and pushing the blade into Lucius's shoulder. Grasping his wrist in the process, he broke it with a loud, gut-wrenching snap. Reaching into his pocket, Rick grabbed the needle, stabbing it into Lucius's neck. He pushed the plunger down, forcing the thick violet liquid into his blood stream. Lucius blanched, rolling off of Rick his gaze wide with shock. He stood up and rushed away from the man, touching his neck with heavy concern lacing his expression.
"What did you do, Rick Sanchez?" The Devil asked, clearly a split second away from launching into full-out panic.

Rick got up, chuckling while he carelessly sat down on the bloody couch.
"Just a moment, Lucius." Rick smiled at Lucius, who stared right at him fiercely.
Lucius pulled the knife out of his shoulder, "You know you can't kill me." He panted.
"No, but science can fuck you up real bad." The other replied smoothly, gazing right back without batting an eyelash.
Lucius frowned, about to respond, but he stopped mid-inhale. He wheezed a little, and it soon turned into harsh hacking that cut his throat from the inside. Falling onto the ground, Lucius cried out, pain shooting through his body. Rick watched him blankly from the couch. "Science can be scary... and unlike me, you're a fool." Standing up, Rick watched as Lucius's body quivered. "Devil or not, I doubt you can handle alien acid melting your insides." He paced a bit closer, watching the blood spew out of Lucius's gaping mouth. The Devil clutched at his stomach, still coughing violently with blood covering his chin. Now glaring at him, Rick whispered, "If you ever fucking come back... I will hunt you down," Gripping the Devil's jacket, he pulled him closer, "and never come near my Morty. Ever." Standing up, Rick dropped Lucius, looking down scornfully at his prey. Lucius was shaking violently now, spitting blood out of his mouth as his cries morphed into gurgling sounds in the back of his throat. Rick fixed his jacket before turning around, leaving the other with no medical aid. Glancing at the mass of bodies on the floor, Rick pushed his hand into his pocket and waited for the elevator to go down to the first floor. Once there, he walked out, never once looking back, nor giving a fuck to.

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