So Close but so Far Away (Seamus Finnigan)

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Seamus Finnigan. My partner in crime since day one. Literally. Our parents went to Hogwarts together and are still very close friends to this day. The fact that our moms had Seamus and I three days apart was extremely fortunate. Our families were overjoyed at the fact that their children would grow up together as close as siblings and thick as thieves. Or at least I thought we were. 

Growing up, Seamus was always the one I could turn to when I needed help. When he was sorted into Gryffindor and me into Ravenclaw during our first year, I thought we would never see each other again. But our relationship only grew stronger. Having him by my side made everything seem a little bit easier. However, going into sixth year things have changed. Last year, I noticed Seamus drifting away. I admit, it was partly my fault because I was extremely occupied with my prefect duties and studying for the O.W.L.S. Okay, not the full story. In fifth year I noticed these feelings developing for Seamus that were definitely not platonic. It scared me more than I care to admit and as I result, I separated myself from Seamus. I figured that by being away from him, my silly crush would disappear. Boy was I wrong. We've been separated for months and I still haven't managed to get over him.

Every time I would make an effort to hang out with him at Hogsmeade or chat during meal times he would turn away from me and talk to Dean instead. I was never the jealous type but it seemed as if I'd been replaced. I was no longer needed by him. He had a new best friend, a new partner in crime. When I realized Seamus was no longer interested, I let it go and moved on with my life.

My daydreaming is cut short by the loud ringing of the Hogwarts Express. I turn to my parents and give them a smile. "My princess, leaving for sixth year already. Time absolutely flies by," says my dad as he wraps me in a bear hug. I turn to my mom next who is about to be a sobbing mess. I quickly reassure her by saying that I'll be home soon for Christmas. As I turn away from my parents my eyes meet his. We stare at each other for a couple seconds, neither of us wanting to break away first. The moment ends when Dean claps Seamus on the shoulder and they both board the train together. I snap out of it as well and turn back to my parents giving them one last wave.

"Hermione," I sigh with relief when I see the bushy haired girl appear in front of me. "Y/N! I've been looking all over for you. The prefect meeting starts in a couple minutes we should head over now." "Right," I reply a little bit breathless, "where is Ron?" "I swear that boy was right behind me five seconds ago where could he have gone!" Hermione exclaims, exasperated. "You go look for him Hermione I'll meet you at the meeting," I say to her. She nods and starts her search for Ron. Honestly, I think to myself, when are those two going to get together.

Hermione and Ron enter the carriage a couple minutes later. He appears extremely flushed and she has an angry expression on her face. I give Hermione a questioning look and she mouths 'later'. 


School has been in session for around two weeks now and so far I've had no incidents with Seamus. Until today. Ravenclaws and Gryffindors take potions class together which I did not think was going to be a problem because I knew that Seamus did not do too well on his potions O.W.L.S. His mother was complaining about it to my mum back in July. What a shock it was to see him here today, two weeks after the first class had already taken place! I attempted to ignore this as I slipped into my normal seat beside Hermione. However, I found my eyes drifting towards him more than once during class. I hate when I don't know something and I don't know why Seamus is taking this class. Against my better judgement, I decide to confront Seamus about it. 

After Professor Slughorn had dismissed us, I walk right up to Seamus who is gathering his items and chatting to Dean. I tap his shoulder and the shock on his face when he sees me is extremely evident. 'Hello Finnigan," I say cooly as I maintain eye contact with him. "Y/L/N" he replies giving me a stiff nod. "I was just wondering why you were taking this course. Last I checked you are rubbish at potions." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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