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This is my first story on this account! Please follow me on Quotev @.Rexanii
I don't own any of the pictures, songs or characters in this story.

Slight warning: mentions of abuse

Word count: 1277

» Bird Set Free - SIA «

We hold on so tight, but I don't want to die, no~!

I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die~!

And I don't care if I sing off key~

I found myself in my melodies~

I sing for love, I sing for me~

I shout it like a bird set free~

A woman sang aloud, her hand on her chest as the young woman sang to those that stood in the large hall. (Y/N) was completely enveloped in the melody, the chain on her foot completely unnoticed while she sang each word with complete passion.

A loud clap interrupted her, causing the (H/C) haired woman and she looked over to the source of the interruption. There stood a man with a cowboy's hat, a noticeable amber of a cigarette. It wasn't long before her chain was pulled which caused her to stumble slightly and she glanced over to the man who was her master.

His name wasn't important as they insisted on master or sir, as they weren't formal. But the man was known for selling those unfortunate to run into him.

"Keep singing." Her master ordered, his tone was already frustrated. He eyed up the gunslinger, and the woman gave a quick nod, singing her tune once more. As he stated down the other man who had interrupted, "Jesse McCree." The older man greeted. It wasn't long before guns were drawn onto him by those that stood in the hall, serving as (Y/N)'s master body guards.

Jesse McCree eyed all the men in the room, his eyes caught the chained woman's (E/C). Which caused her to stop singing, halting the melody that the woman had been singing. A brief moment and she blinked at him before she felt her chain being tugged once more but more roughly. Causing her to fall in front of the older man, (Y/N)'s eyes widen in surprise before she felt a sharp sting on her cheek and suddenly her head hung low as the young woman hugged herself.

"What did I tell you about stopping?"

(Y/N) held her cheek, looking at the ground submissively as she didn't want to anger him any further. "I'm sorry, sir. It would happen again." As she curled up instinctively to protect herself.
The man growled as grabbed the woman but was stopped by a loud, "Woah there." He looked up to see the same cowboy but he had this look about him. So the man stopped and allowing you to scramble away to a safe distance just cautiously watching the interaction play out.

"Tch. Very well, what do you want? Money?" The slaver asked impatiently, he usually wouldn't allow anybody to just come in but he called for it when his men hadn't responded. Not wanting to lose anymore goods, he invited the gunslinger to try and propose a negotiation. Jesse McCree glanced over to the girl once more, he flicked his cigar away and his other hand rested on his peacekeeper.

"No." He responded coolly, the slaver grit his teeth as he tensed up in his seat that he called a throne. "No?"

Jesse McCree just gave a playful grin as he nodded, "Well, there is one thing I want.." He confirmed as his hand held the weapon. "Just to stop you from selling anymore people. And for that to happen.." The gunslinger looked over to the guards who were getting anxious, "Is to take you in." He finished.

The slaver hissed as it was useless to try and bargain with a vigilante. "Kill him!" He ordered, his guards began shooting at him but in an instant Jesse had shot a couple of his men down and rolled behind cover. (Y/N) quickly ducked with a yelp as she hid behind something as the firefight happened.

The woman was cowering behind the throne as her chain wouldn't allow her to move too far from the slave master. (Y/N) heard shoutings then people falling over, things breaking before she knew it. Everything was silent, but she didn't move just remained behind the throne fearfully as she believed she might be shot.

"It's over now." The warm voice of the gunslinger said, (Y/N) hesitated and poked her head out and saw her master on the ground unconscious but very much living as he was tied up. She slowly came out, unsure what to make of the situation.
McCree lit up another cigarette in his mouth and placed the lighter in his pocket, as he watched the girl slowly come out of her hiding spot.

Curious to why she didn't run, he glanced down to her ankle where a chain held her in place that prevented her from actually going anywhere. The cowboy snorted, as he knelt down and the woman tensed up as he reached for her chain and undid it.

(Y/N) blinked as she slowly stretched her leg as the chain no longer held her in place, her eyes slowly fell back on the man. "Thank you." She said quietly as she slowly went to get up, but McCree stood up first and held his hand out which she took. He gave a small wink. "It's my pleasure, darling."

Her cheeks warmed up and she gave a small smile, and then looked around the room once more. "There a problem?" McCree asked as he noticed her confused expression. "What do I do?" (Y/N) asked.

That's when it hit him, she must've been a slave for the guy for sometime as she didn't even know what to do or have ever thought about freedom and if she did then had given up. "You're free." McCree told her and she nodded, "I.. Thank you." (Y/N) smiled and he nodded before pulling up a comm and it connected with other people she didn't recognize.

McCree turned off the comm and looked up at her, giving a small tip of the hat. "You got a real pretty voice, really good song." He told her, (Y/N) smiled at him and she rubbed her arm to sooth her anxiety. "But you should be safe. Got some friends coming to take you guys out of this dump." The gunslinger explained.

"I.." She licked her bottom lip, she didn't know how to thank him as Jesse McCree had set her free and all her friends- this place never felt like home, or safe but with him. "Sir?" "It's McCree, doll." He corrected.

(Y/N) paused before correcting herself. "McCree?" She asked again, he nodded to confirm she had his attention. "Could I stay with you?" The woman wondered, shyly looking down as she was hoping that he would allow her to come with..
Jesse seemed at a loss, he blinked at her stupidly for a moment before he gave a small chuckle. "You want that?" She nodded eagerly, "Yes- If you'll have me.."

The Overwatch agent glanced to her old slaver as he thought about the pros and cons, Jesse then turned to her again with a small nod. "Only if you can sing me a tune with that nice voice of yours." He grinned, (Y/N)'s eyes lit up and she smiled. "I can do that, sir- McCree.."

"It's Jesse. Since we're gonna be travelling together, and hope you don't mind sleeping in the most comfortable places.."

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