Don't Go.

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(Note*: MC/Reader has NOT gone to the Lazaret in this imagine. No memories have been retrieved yet. Also, I'll be using my internet name instead of MC/Reader.)

{Song I listened to while writing this: Spring by Moose Blood}

Lucio crashed through the portal door, accusing us of messing up his ritual. He wanted to be reborn in a new body, and I had taken that from him.

"I'm going to end this, once and for all!" he seethed with rage. There was no time to think before he charged at Asra and I. Instead of going after Asra first, he came after me...his bulky golden prosthetic arm barreling into my chest. It was enough to cause mild bleeding and strong pain, as well as knocking me over in shock. Asra quickly came to my aid, using their magic to push Lucio away and surround us in a shield. They looked so distressed just by seeing me hurt, and it gave me a welling pain in my chest.

"He won't get away with this...he can't." Asra said through gritted teeth in a low whisper. Loud pangs came from the shield, all caused by Lucio running into it repeatedly. Then, as if it couldn't have gotten worse, the shield began to crack and break. Quickly, Asra cast a spell to minimize my pain before grabbing my hands and looking me in the eyes.

"He is stronger here, and I'll explain why later. Right now, we need to escape before he hurts you again." They said with worry. They cupped my face and kissed my forehead, helping me to stand. The shield was on it's last string by the time we rose from the sandy ground.

"As soon as it breaks, run for that portal door." They squeezed my hand reassuringly. The shield shattered - the shards dissipating into the atmosphere. Asra ran forward, and I tried to keep up. We reached the door with Lucio hot on my tail. They let go of my hand, pushing the door open and reaching for my palm again before jumping. I began to jump, when a golden arm snatched around my waist and ripped my hand from Asra's , penetrating my stomach deep with a long dagger. Hot breath trickled down my ear as Lucio's voice rang.

"I won." Followed by a deep chuckle, he  ripped the dagger from my stomach and pushed my unmoving body into the portal and slammed the door. I fell for what seemed like hours, when it reality it was only a couple minutes. My body plummeted into cold snow amidst a wintry forest. To my left, I heard rapid  crunching of snow under boots...Asra. I could faintly feel their aura.

"Leia! Oh thank god I found you. I panicked when you didn't jump but-" they stopped before staring at me, eyes falling to a painful panicked state. I felt something trickle down the side of my mouth with a strong iron taste - blood. My stomach began to burn from the wound, and I let out whimpers of pain. Asra fell to their knees, panting in distress but trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Hold on, I can fix this. I can." They reached their hand over my abdomen, attempting to heal the deep stab wound. I let out a pained, blood-curdling scream. The spell wasn't working, only making it hurt worse.

"I don't understand! Why isn't it working?!" As soon as they said those words, my mind went dark, then came to life with...memories. All I could see was the Lazaret, huffing smoke away. An image of my body going into a furnace, then Asra digging through ash on the shores of the Lazaret. They were crying and yelling in the most distraught and heart broken way possible. It didn't make sense at first, until I saw them holding my body as I woke up, unable to comprehend my surroundings.

My eyes opened slowly again, and I grabbed Asra's wrist tightly. They whipped their head from my wound to my face, tears already staining their cheeks due to the fact that they were unable to help me.

"You...I...I know now. I died of the plague...on the Lazaret and they burned me." I clenched their wrist harder as a pang of pain hit my stomach again, causing me to groan and whimper again. I refocused my gaze on them. They looked shocked, and inconsolable.

"You came back for me...but I was gone already. So you dug, and dug and dug hoping to find something of me. But there was nothing...Asra I-" I began crying, the lump in my throat forbidding me to speak. They grabbed my other hand and placed it on their heart, our beat matching up. It dawned on me why I didn't have memories and how I was alive. Through a trembling, low but soft voice they spoke.

"I made a deal. Half of my heart to bring you back to life. That's why Lucio said you stole his body. It was meant to be his in the ritual that night, but it brought you back to me after I sabotaged the ritual. You can't remember much because you died and began a new life. I wish I didn't have to tell you like this...I can't lose you again. Don't go." They stared into my eyes deeply.

"I'm dying again, Asra. Nothing can save me...I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me here." I sputtered more blood out of my mouth again, the wound finally catching up to me as my adrenaline sank.  I knew I didn't have much time left before i would slip away. I reached my cold hand up to their face, caressing their cheek. They turned their head into my hand, kissing my wrist, then covering it with their own hand and nuzzling into my small palm. I had to tell them one last time.

"I love you, Asra Alnazar." They gave a soft smile through their tears, sniffling and hiccuping.

"I will always love you, Leia Dae." I took my other free hand and waved it over my black quartz necklace, making sure to lock in every good memory of our time for them to see...and a message of my own for them to replay when he needs it. I unclasped it from my neck, and gently laid it on their lap.

"This is yours. Wear it. When you miss me, wrap your hand around it and close your eyes. You will be able to see me again...please don't give up because I'm gone. You're far too bright to sink into a dark space. Promise me that. Promise me  that you will-" I could feel my self slipping, but I pushed out the last words.

"- you will be your best and work hard...promise me." They shook their head rapidly against my palm.

"I promise."

My eyes became glassy again as I felt my breathing shallow out. I know they felt it too. I placed their hand over my heart and held onto ever so tightly.

"You can rest now, Leia. I will stop this madness for you." They said through a trembling jaw and an overflow of tears. They lent over and kissed my forehead, lingering just to keep the sensation in their memory.

"Goodnight, my love. I will see you again...I love you." My eyes closed and my body slipped into darkness. Through the echos of the dark, I heard their last goodnight...until we meet again, my magician.

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