Chapter 3 - numbers on napkins

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        "Are you kidding me." I whined as I reached over for my phone to turn off my alarm. I slipped out of bed and kicked empty boxes out of my way as I stumbled my way to the bathroom. If you don't go to the bathroom right after waking up ; you might to see a doctor. After I was done in the bathroom I made my way to the kitchen where I made myself avocado toast. Don't judge me! It's a habit now and it's oddly very delicious. I started off my day with me getting dressed in biker shorts and a baby blue hoodie.

        I put on a pair of plain white tennis shoes and grabbed my keys, my phone, mac book, and over the shoulder purse. Looking at myself in a mirror, fixing my hair : before leaving to go to a Starbucks. Same old caramel frappuccino that I have been drinking since high school. Also, yes, this is my daily routine except I'm used to being at home so it's a little different waking up in a new apartment.

        I sat down at a table and pulled out my laptop. "Hey." I heard a voice say as I looked up to see a male with tattoos and is very tall. "Um..hi. Do I know you?" I asked politely as I shut my laptop slowly. "you are about to" He chuckled and sat down across from me. "I'm mike." He said as he extended his hand for me to shake. I reached out and slowly shook his hand "I'm Cassie...well I mean my name is Cassidy but you can call me Cassie." I said nervously and let go of his hand and leaned back in my chair in embarrassment. "You don't usually talk to guys a lot do you?" He replied and I laughed.

        "No, not really. All my friends are girls..including my dog."

        "Dog? I see you as more of pig type"

        We both laughed as I looked at him in awe. We stared at each other for a few seconds that felt like 20 minutes. Causing us to both laugh again. "Anyways, is my number." He said as he pulled out a pen from his leather jacket and wrote his number on a napkin. "Call or text me anytime." He winked before he got up and left.

        After he left I couldn't stop smiling as I stared at his number on the napkin. Picking it up and putting in my hoodie pocket before opening my laptop and casually reading while drinking my coffee. I spent from 12am to 2pm reading since I'm a book nerd before going home and relaxing until 6pm when my phone dinged. It was Katrina and Devyn in the group chat they made so we could all talk. They basically told me how they were on their way and to "hurry my ass up."

        I put my phone down on my bed and got ready. I'm not really a party person. I guess you can call me and introvert. I like being alone but I also like being able to talk to at least two people. I cant stand big groups. Going to a party down be the last thing I would ever do but I like Katrina and Devyn. I've only known them for little bit but they are awesome. Meanwhile, I was standing in front of a mirror deciding if I'm going to go with black high waisted ripped jeans and a green cropped tank top or a basic all white above the knee dress. Dress it is. I can't be edgy with the ripped jeans and dark colors. It's just not me but people make it look so good.

        Before I knew it I was dressed and ready to go and Katrina and Devyn where banging at my door. "Let's go loser!" Katrina said as they both pulled me out of my apartment.

THE INTROVERT AND EXTROVERT || c.b ♡Where stories live. Discover now