Chapter 7

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I've been feeling really ill recently, this won't be as good as the others, i can't concentrate that well, but seeing as i love you all and haven't put a chapter on in a few days, i owe it to you all. Enjoy! x x x x x x


Oh my head hurts. What a dream. Yay, stomach cramps. Opening my eyes, i remember what happened. Er. I met Joe. He kissed me. He told me he might love me. He left. Then....I must've fell asleep or something.

I stand up and look around. Sure enough, my car was still there, parked a good 30 metres away. I hike towards it impatiently. The second i close the car door, my phone starts vibrating. I check the screen to see:

Nine messages - one from Joe, seven from Edin, one from Lana, my sister.

Fourteen missed calls - seven from Edin, one from Mum, six from Lana.

I redial Edin to get voicemail. He must be training. I redial my mother, expecting the worst. 'Um, you called?' i say nervously. 'Oh yeah, Lana has news. Call her, gotta go. Bye!' she replies quickly. That was weird.

I hesitate before calling Lana, my sister. News? Maybe she has decided what university to go to. Maybe she found some sale items for me or something. Something stupid, probably. *CLICK*. I hit redial and place the reciever to my ear.

'Hey, Dee. Guess what!' she shouts excitedly. 'Hey Lana, tell me the news then!' i reply, resting my throbbing head on the car seat. 'Well i chose Manchester University!' she squeals. 'SO WE CAN SEE EACH OTHER MORE! YAY!' i scream, causing my head to ache more.

After several minutes of shouting and screaming, she finally goes silent. 'Tell me.' i say, sighing. 'Well, you know how the university is only ten minutes away from your house....?' she asks. 'OMG, YES YOU CAN MOVE IN WITH ME!' i reply.

After even more squealing, i realise. Edin. 'Oh, well, probably. The spare bedrooms a mess with all my junk, and i don't know how to pay the rent-' i begin. 'I'll pay my share. I can't wait already. You still friends with Edin? Oh how's Jason?' she asks romantically.

'Oh, yeah we're still friends.....and I split with Jason. Cheating on me for Emma. D*****bag.' i reply. Once we finish gossiping, i drop my phone on the passenger seat and drive home. I must've nearly crashed a billion times, how slow i was driving.

Somehow, i finally made it to my front door. I scramble into my bag until i find what i'm looking for. I unlock the door and dial for Edin once again. It takes eight rings, but he answers. 'Hello?' he asks. 'Hey Edin.' i say tiredly.

'Where were you yesterday. I got back from training and you were gone.' he mumbles quickly. 'I went round my mates, it got late so he let me slept on the couch.' i lie. I'll tell the truth later. 'Oh. Okay. Well I'm now finished training, i'll be round yours soon. See ya, Dee.' he replies, cutting the line.

I fall onto the sofa. I'm so tired......One quick powernap. Just until he gets here. I rest my head on the pillow and dream of Edin.


Something tickles my ear, running through my hair. I slowly open my eyes and turn over. 'How late did it get? You look exhausted!' he says, tucking the hair behind my ears. 'When did you get here? And i'm guessing the key under the mat?' i say, the sleepiness in my voice.

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