Chapter 27

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August P.O.V.

AYE broo this damn club turn up as fuck me and the guys was high as fuck the girls were drunk like real drunk I wanna see how we getting home but anyways

" Hey handsome " some girl walked over to me tbh I don't know where the fuck tristan went probably went to go get something more to drink

"Hey wassup ma " I said she sat next to me and and put one leg on me and started kissing on me btw she brought a squad with her so there was one with Chris and there was on with Trey and there was one with Jeremiah we honestly didn't know what we was doing we might be high but we ain't drunk.. kinda 3 minutes later they was on top of us we was just chillen like ain't Nothing happened then the girls came back I know they drunk and all but they ass ain't stupid

" hol up me go use the bathroom " I said me and the guys got up and walked over to the girls walking outside

" ayee ayee ayee Hol up c'mon It wasn't what it looked like " I said grabbing her arm all the girls went into the limo and we followed them 

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